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Andy Kaufman

Also known as Tony Clifton, Andy Kaufman is the most underrated guy on this Earth. He played in the show Taxi and was on Saturday Night Live. People wonder if he is still alive, in Tony Clifton (figuratively, not literally), but that remains to be seen.

"Tank you veddy much"

"I have lung cancer." :-D

~ Andy Kaufman

by So Cal January 22, 2006

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andy kaufman

Comic genius who claimed to have never told a joke in his life. Probably most known for his role on Taxi, his Mighty Mouse performance, and his alter ego Tony Clifton.

Some people believe that Andy faked his own death and is still alive today.

"Wasn't Andy Kaufman amazing?"

by SheII July 8, 2006

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Charlie Kaufman

Arguably the greatest and most original screenwriter currently working. He's the master behind;

- Being John Malkovich
- Adaptation
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
- Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
- Human Nature

He has had two past Oscar nominations for Best Screenplay and this year has been nominated for this third for "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," his best to date.

If Kaufman doesn't take him his Oscar, then this will be my last time watching the Academy Awards.

by Kyle February 25, 2005

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Nathan Kaufman

Embodying incredible class, unprecedented salesmanship, with a large value and respect for human beings. Similar to a rare gem that is highly sought after, & extremely valuable.

Did you see who the Board of Director’s choose as the new Chief Marketing Officer?” There is really no point in applying if they’re only choosing Nathan Kaufman’s.

by TrainstationBandit April 7, 2020

Perris Kaufman

The benchmark of upper echelon financial stability & longterm capital gains, around a special asset class or security. Considered to be the most difficult yet prestigious & technical trading style, (23 congruent metrics must be strategically calculated/orchestrated simultaneously. Known around a distinguished group of young entrepreneurs in California as the (BrotherP), or (Senatori )- a less common yet equally viable reference originating in the NorthEast district of whosentu. Extreme volatility/enormous capital is required for each BrotherP, Senatori, or Perris Kaufman to reach one’s apex, & provide the desired ROI.

Sandy-“The market was insane today man , I got heavily rocked on my last dip buy”, geeze I wish I could afford to try a Perris Kaufman! “How did you fair Newton?

Newt-“I studied my ass off and found the most viable entry and exit point on today’s trades but it wasn’t easy. Without Perris Kaufman in my arsenal, I would of been the markets afterthought. Brother P is truly the business! Love it when Senatori crushes!

Nate- “That guy thought he could bust out the Perris Kaufman 16 entry exit Senatori, and got himself MollyWapped, he ain’t ready for Brother P.”

by TrainstationBandit April 7, 2020

Ale Kaufman

An amazing person who died on January 16, 2009.
She is loved and missed by many.
She even took the time to add the defintion of her name "Ale" on here about a year ago today.
Look it up.

"Yo!Ale needs the cash up front."
-Ale Kaufman

by Rachel Antoun June 18, 2009

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Lily Kaufman

Lily Kaufman. Commonly referred to as "that amazing girl over there. yeah, that one."

Amazing, Beautiful, a Poophead.

One can't start talking about a Lily Kaufman without breaking out into painful spasms. One can try, but one won't get far. It is her inconceivable amount of amazingness that renders the speaker unable to speak without letting out an un-called for, high-pitched squeak that the Lily Kaufman will undoubtedly promptly make fun of. A Lily Kaufman typically befriends a man-thing by the name of Natin, and Natin ends up loving her very much. In the rare case of said Natin moving to somewhere like...i don't know...Georgia, Natin will have a very tough time getting over her. So tough, in fact, that he won't even try because he knows how rare and special a Lily Kaufman is. If a Lily Kaufman is reading this right now, Natin would like her to know that he (she?) loves her very much and if she IS reading this, that means that Natin is sitting right next to her, most likely smiling at the wall. If Lily Kaufman would so kindly punch Natin in the balls to snap him out of his reverie, Natin would like to give a surprise to her.

A Natin a day makes Lily Kaufman say gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

by werbenvanjensen December 7, 2010

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