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a very dumb crippled jew

person: “Where’s mazzy?”
person2: “Prob fell out of his chair”

by yeahyeah100 March 1, 2022

2👍 15👎


Stinky, itchy, state pickle

Hey bro your a mazzy

by @tickles_roadtrip October 30, 2019

1👍 8👎


The most beautiful girl a guy has laid eyes on. When you lay next to her you get a warm fuzzy feeling that is irresistible. She is quite but her creativity speaks for itself. She is all around perfect, a 10, flawless.

Dude, that girl looks like Mazzi

by Nippleboi January 12, 2013

91👍 17👎


A bad ass type of girl who is a great Bestie and if you betray her she will put you in your place. She is beautiful, smart and has a awesome personality.

I met a mazzi today.

by Maggie Martin June 16, 2017

51👍 9👎


probably the most beautiful girl any guy would hope to marry.

she is beautiful inside and out.

If you are lucky to know one, you better try real hard to cuff her up bro
One in a million, a rare species.

A: DUDE that girl totally looks like a VS model
B: She's Mazzi and I second that, she could totally be one if she wanted to.

by kylienjenner April 6, 2019

35👍 7👎


oral sex/head. used mostly in south jersey

yooo wassup with the mazzi ?

by assbandicoot July 12, 2017

75👍 19👎


Another nickname for the little rat Maisie Peters who is going on her big rat You Signed Up For This tour.

Sees Maisie Peters: ‘oh look there’s mazzie
Checks Instagram: ‘sees that mazziememes (mazzie’s biggest promoter) has just posted new memes’

by Rhubarb March 5, 2022

11👍 8👎