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Media whore

Someone who feeds from the aknowledgement of others over social media. The types of media whore are:

1. The 'loner' - this whore will go on to a social media and suck the life out of one single target looking for friendship.

2. The 'twit' - these whores are twitter 'over-users', who post crap about their lives that nobody needs to know.

3. The 'leech' - these whores absorb the creative works of others, then shit it out as a big bunch of uselessness, which they spam all over the internet.

Justin Bieber is one example of the media whore type: 'leech'. Thats all you need, Justin Bieber. Perfect example

by criticalcritic November 2, 2013

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Media whore

A person who is obsessed with knowing everything about anything, as soon as it happens. They spend all the time they can on Twitter, Facebook or news websites, repost everything they see, and will constantly talk about what they've seen or read or heard online. They usually feel completely lost without a link with that technology, namely their smartphone. They often prefer their online relationships or conversations to face to face interaction.

Samantha can't live 2 seconds without checking her phone, in case something happened since she last looked. She's become a media whore!

by Diplos October 28, 2011

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media whore

Media whores is a term used in the early 60's during campaigns and refered to publishers and editors of newspapers that would not cover a candidate without an ad buy. The buy was refered to as a "little kiss". The more money a candidate had the more of a story they would get from the "media whores". If a campaign made an ad buy and counted on a good story but were then disappointed they would "kiss off" the buy with a cancelation.

There are over 200 presidential candidates in 2008 yet you only hear of 17 and that is the results of the entire media being media whores. Media whores will write no news stories to whore up to wealthy candidates, hence Edwards hair cut, Obama Clinton Spat, and Hillarys clevage, and Hillary walking down the street in Clear Lake, Iowa got ink.

by airfest September 5, 2007

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Similar to a camwhore but one who takes extra excitement when the camera is attached to a member of the media, be it the press, movie sets, sports arenas, etc. Especially likes to be interviewed. May have to struggle to retrieve the microphone. Often can be found waving at the camera behind the scenes, sometimes with a sign. (See Today show or Good Morning America)

He is such a media-whore that he listens to the police radio so he can go to an accident scene to get interviewed by the news reporters.

by Damien June 18, 2006

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Social Media Whore

A person who has a psychological need to receive @replies and pings on twitter, attention at tweetups, facebook status update comments, and facebook likes.

This person usually becomes aroused almost sexually by seeing or hearing themselves or about themselves on social media websites.

"Dude this chick thinks she's the shit cause @aplusk is following her on twitter...Yeah, she's she's just a social media whore"

by yiseowl December 4, 2009

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Social Media Whore

A person who sells their body and soul to a social media platform in the hopes of likes, favorites, retweets, and shares. Also known as "Social Media Prostitute" or "Social Media Concubine," these lovers of the Twitterverse live inside of the social media realm more than they do inside of reality. The only common cure known to man for this epidemic is growing a pair.

Person 1: "Holy shit did you see what Jason tweeted this morning?"
Person 2: "Yeah dude he is such a social media whore"

Person 1: "What's the official hashtag for today's race?"
Person 2: "You are such a social media whore"

Person 2: "Well now you're more than just a whore- you're a social media whore!"

by Eburke136 December 30, 2016

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Media Attention Whore

A person usually a political pundint that says radical /hatefull things to continue getting attention from the media.

Media Attention Whores beside saying hatefull things that only extreamist would say out load, Media Attention Whores like to write Political Hate books.

ex. Ann Coulter

On academics: β€œIn addition to racist and Nazi, how about adding traitor to the list of things that professors can’t be? And yes, I realize I just proposed firing the entire Harvard faculty.”
(Speech at Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), 2/18/2005)

On McCarthyism: β€œLiberals like to scream and howl about McCarthyism, I say let’s give them some….it’s time for a new McCarthyism.”
(Speech at CPAC, 2/18/2005)

On President Clinton: "Well, he was a very good rapist. I think that should not be forgotten."
(New York Observer, 1/10/05)

On Voting: β€œIt would be a much better country if women did not vote.”
(The Guardian, 5/17/2003)

On the Press: β€œMy only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building.”
(New York Observer, 8/26/2002)

On the Environment: β€œGod says, β€˜Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It’s yours.β€œ
(Fox News, 12/22/2001)

"Hey Bob did you see what Ann Coulter said last night?"

"Nope. I didn't bother to. she's just a Media Attention Whore".

by ????^_^????? October 15, 2007

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