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short for navigate. long for "fuckingannoyingbitch"
Navi is widly regarded as the most annoying gaming character in both zelda and gaming history, a statement that is totally accurate. Navi personifies all that is evil and annoying in this world, and her constant repetition of the words " HEY! LISTEN!" have become a fan joke in the zelda franchise. It is unknown why link leaves hyrule to go looking for navi at the end of Ocarina of time but it is guessed that he lost his mind beccause of her, and is searching for her to "settle the score" ie: stab her so many times she looks like a small bloody pancake with wings

Link: *facepalms*
Navi: HEEEEEY!!! LISTEN!!!!!!
Link: *starts frothing at the mouth* *stabs Navi*

by pringletoast December 30, 2011

30๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


is a cute ass bitch
she's kinda mean but she has an amazing heart and doesn't mean it
don't fuck with her tho or she'll fuck your shit up
is a gorgeous little bean that deserves the world

kinda smart
funny as fuck and is the life of the party

Navi is great.

by reeeeeeeeeeeeenigga December 27, 2018

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Navi's the cute little fairy from Zelda.

Without Navi, Link would never have found his way.

by na-vee August 22, 2003

105๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž


she is intelligent girl who loves sports and dairy cows she is extremely cool

be a Navi be smart

by girl named kate February 20, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A real and chill character with a cool demeanor because everybody has respect for him. He is smart, cool, real, athletic, calm, and collective, Will help people out when they are situations of service needed because he is down to Earth aswell!

Boy: What's your type?
Girl: I want somebody like Navi!

by Enacy January 5, 2015

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Navi is someone who everyone knows but doesn't know. She's always smilling and being happy but inside, she's going through a lot. She's confident and isn't afraid to stand up for literally anyone. Everyone thinks she's just pretty on the outside, but she's amazing inside too. She doesn't get attached easily to everyone. But if she did, she'll really get attached but she still won't show her true feelings. If she's close to you but acts mean, be patient and try to understand why. Sometimes she has her reasons, but maybe deep down she does love you? From someone who she got attached to but treated badly, I'm sorry. I should have waited and understood why. You're amazing, and i'm really lucky because i had you once in my life

You're lucky if you ever had her the school's IT girl, Navi

by christopher.bang July 31, 2022


The most sweetest, nicest, most amazing, bestest friend/sister anyone could ask for.

I have a Navi in my life.

by Jeety January 22, 2023

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