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Nice Guy

A man who is to afraid to speak his mind. Often times they will complain about how they are mistreated by women and hate the "Alpha's", "Frat Guy" ,"Athletes" and label them as troglodytes. What the nice guys fail to realize, is they are weak at a fundamental level. They only befriend the girls who are attractive because they have hopes that the friendship will result in sex or relationship. They kling on to these attractive woman because they do not have enough confidence in themselves to say they deserve more and better from these relationships. The pandering fool often is depressed because though he feels that he is close to the girl, he understands fundamentally the woman will not grow to like him. This is because girls are attracted to confidence on a very basic level. The obsequious ways of the nice guy are the embodiment of lack of confidence and self loathing. Nice guys do not strive to be jerks but good men. The difference in the two paradigms is this, nice guys do what they do to receive validation and praise, good men do what they want because they want to. Good men are truthful, honest and blunt.

I was a nice guy and hated myself and the world, I became a good man and I love life and the world.

by Thelonious Kwiggz August 11, 2012

94๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nice Guy

A male who expects a female to accept his romantic advances simply because he is "nice," and is angered when she does not.

Possible causes for this phenomenon:

1.) He views romance as a prize he is entitled to, like his allowance, as long as he behaves himself.

2.) He thinks all women are the same dainty, smiling, flower-picking Disney princess, who want nothing more in a man than giant smiles, polite chit-chat, poetry readings, and doors held opened for them. He does not understand that women are individuals.

3.) He has a mental disability that encourages girls to put on a super-nice act around him, as they would around a child. He mistakes this for their real personality, and thinks they are really getting to know each other and clicking, when...no. (This one's pretty tragic, and no one's fault, really.)

4.) He's a really bad actor, so even girls who DO want a "nice, sensitive guy" can see right through his crap.

5.) He is a genuinely nice guy, but only goes for hot girls he has nothing in common with...while complaining that girls always go for the "wrong" guy.

6.) A closeted homosexual or transsexual, who has discovered how conveniently the "nice guy" motif can cover up his secret. ("I'm just not a man's man!") This can leave a bad impression on the girl, after she learns the truth. She may become so paranoid, that if the next guy she dates cheats on her with another woman, she may break into a joyful jig, exclaiming, "My boyfriend is straight!"

"I am so finished with dating nice guys! Next time a guy tries to pick me up in a sparkely blue prius, I'm not going on the date."

by The Chickens Are Revolting December 6, 2014

40๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nice Guy

A man who thinks that basic respect for women is a personality trait and wears said "personality trait" like a trophy; an incel.

The supposed Nice Guy on Reddit will not shut the fuck up about how every woman should be sucking his dick because he said that he thinks women should be able to have basic human rights.

by localvillagedidiot November 29, 2020

10๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nice Guy

A Nice Guy is a guy who is friendly, kind, and understanding toward girls with the underlying condition that they must fall in love with him because he is the only friendly, kind and understanding man they've ever met. Nice Guys think that acting like a decent person makes them special and entitled to women's romantic affections and sex.

They believe that women have no minds or emotions of their own, and that they exist solely to reciprocate the affection of whichever man 'deserves' them. They will often try to guilt women into going out with and having sex with them.

If and when a woman rejects a Nice Guy, he will whine and moan and complain that girls are stupid and don't know what's good for them, and only like jerks that won't respect them or their feelings. Nice Guys invariably fail to see the irony in this.

Not to be confused with an actual nice guy (no capital letters!), a guy who is kind and decent without the underlying expectation that women are obligated to sleep with him or return whatever romantic affections he might have toward them.

Nice Guy: I'm so sorry that happened to you, here, go ahead and cry on my shoulder.

Girl: Thanks, you've really made me feel better. You're such a good friend.

Nice Guy: Great, now let me take you out to dinner and have a romantic evening ended with sex and marriage.

Girl: Sorry, I'm not really interested in you that way.

Nice Guy: Fuck you, you cold bitch. You're so stupid, why can't you see that I deserve you? After all the nice things I've done for you, you owe it to me to fall in love with me. Fine, I guess I just have to keep harrassing you and trying to guilt you into going out with and having sex with me.

by Kynne4234 March 10, 2010

119๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nice Guy

See Virgin

p1: Your a nice guy, ya know!
p2: Fuck You.

by HHHHEEEEHEEEE April 16, 2010

60๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nice Guy

A Nice Guy is a young or middle-aged male who believes a woman owes it to sleep with him out of gratitude for basic courtesy, like opening a door or not calling her names. Believes only men who look like Abercrombie & Fitch models or possess immense fortunes ever get laid -- or at least, he keeps saying that in order to feel like there are more womanless men out there than there really are. Routinely blames women for his inability to develop and sustain relationships; or to get to a third date even. Frequently tells himself and other Nice Guys that women like to be beaten, raped and called names -- and that's why they (the Nice Guys), cannot get dates. Hides violent pornography under the floor boards. Faced with the fact that none of the women he finds attractive want to date him, concludes that there must be something wrong with women.

Joe is a nice guy, he deserves to get laid!

by SochiKid January 24, 2010

107๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nice Guy

A genuinely outgoing sweet honest caring person that is charming, and cute.

What's with the hello all of a sudden? Response is "Why not, your a nice guy?" awwwwww, sweet but no thanks I've moved on and way better than that, you've had your chance!

by ShaBoomQueefah August 24, 2012

41๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž