Source Code

The Oven Mitt

When a man, instead of fingering a girl using the schocker or a little two-finger action, using all four fingers and putting the thumb in the asshole. This makes the form of a mitten, or "oven mitt"

Johan: Dude, I gave her the oven mitt!!!
Hans: BOSS!!!

by ovenmitter December 21, 2008

8πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

oven mitt

A sexual act when a man shoves his hand into a woman's asshole and then inserts his penis into her vagina while in doggie style. The man then jacks himself off through her colon with his hand still in the anus.

I gave that bitch the oven mitt last night.

by spacepirate January 29, 2009

154πŸ‘ 328πŸ‘Ž

dutch oven mitt

when one farts on one's hand, while it is in the shape of a cup, then places the cupped hand on another's face.

camille gave kevin a dutch oven mitt while he was sleeping, causing him to gag.

by Camille...tcc June 11, 2007

125πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Polish Oven Mitt

When you bake a kielbasa at 350Β° F for 15 minutes, then broil on high for 5 additional minutes. Proceed to pick up the kielbasa with designated β€œPolska” embroidered oven mitt and tenderly insert into lover’s dupa while whispering β€œgoΕ‚abki”

β€œHoney, it’s cold out tonight. I could really use a Polish oven mitt”

by NaughtyKielbasa69 December 27, 2019

oven mitt

To insert your fist into an anus in a repeated in-and-out thrust motion. May occasionally cause a pinking anal pull.

An oven mitt in the kitchen is either very normal, or very inappropriate and unsanitary, depending on what you mean by over mitt.

by Niggslayer November 11, 2004

27πŸ‘ 290πŸ‘Ž

Chinese Oven Mitt

When during an oriental massage, the masseuse or masseur attempts to or successfully puts their fist into the client's anal cavity.

Derek: How did your massage go dude?

Brandon: shit man, I payed for a happy ending and she tried to give me the Chinese Oven Mitt!

by Hodenkrieg June 13, 2009

37πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Greasy Oven Mitt

During a round of hardcore intercourse, a man places his testicles within the anus of a female.

Can be used in conjunction with a meat thermometer.

That chic was a freak. I gave her a greasy oven mitt and she loved it!

by Greasy13 July 27, 2010

38πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž