Source Code

Pants Off Coin Toss

When a serious decision needs to be made by 50/50 chance, you have everybody in the room drop their pants to make it official. and flip a coin.

We were debating getting a puppy for our apartment, so we had a Pants Off Coin Toss

by Staygoldponyboy September 15, 2010

shocked my pants off

to be surprised; astounded; blown away

It shocked my pants off to hear about the 70-year-old lady who gave birth to twins last week!

by Ka.N.To May 20, 2012

pants off dance off

Is originally a show from Fuse but is usually used as a way to explain an event thats so awesome it makes you want to take your pants off and dance to the occasion. Thus, "pants off dance off".


Example 2. Michael's concert is going to be a real pants off dance off.

by Fun on a bun July 25, 2006

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Rock My Pants Off

Basically A Different Variation Of "Rocks My World", "Rocks My Socks", And Etc. It Was Made By Someone Who Got Sick Of Everyone Using The Same Phrases.

Girl1:Do You Like Madina Lake?
Girl2:Heck Yes, They Rock My Pants Off!

by OhhBABY September 3, 2007

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pants off dance off

Has to be the coolest show on Fuse. Bunch of people who are obviously not easily embarrassed, dancing to music videos. Oh yeah, and in their underwear. haha. Then we get to vote for our favorite!

"Why did you want to be on 'Pants off dance off'?"
"Well, i can get jiggy with it, and I have like really cool moves."

^haha. The people are hysterical

by Yeah I'm Cool June 28, 2006

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pants off dance off

only the most kick-ass show ever. on fuse.

what's better than people of all ages, shapes, sizes stripping to music videos?

"Have you seen Pants Off Dance Off on Fuse yet?"
"Heck yes! I so wanna be on it!"

by Miss Dorkette May 4, 2006

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Peed My Pants Off

Combination of "I nearly peed my pants" and "I laughed my ass off" LMAO.

Expression is typically accidentally spewed after relating a funny or embarrasing story while inebriated or during blonde moments.

"I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants off"

by Blonde Mexican January 13, 2010

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