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Any type of rape or sexual deviance act.

That hot girl won't sleep with me, so I'm just going to have to Polanski her.

by Chinatown's Baby October 1, 2009

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A child sodomist. Uses fame, alcohol and / or drugs to lure young girls into his web and sodomize them before you can shout, 'UNCLE'

I was 'Polanskied' by that guy. My ass is ruptured dude!

by NotDrPhil October 30, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Roman Polanski

Pronoun, Transitive Verb, Adjective, or Verb;

The act of dressing up your partner to look like a thirteen year old boy/girl, committing unlawful sexual acts with that partner then fleeing the country in which the act was committed.

Brandon: Holy shit! Did you hear what Tosh did to his girlfriend?

Billy: No.

Brandon: We were all out drinking last Tuesday, and I think he might of pulled a Roman Polanski on her. I haven't seen him at work since...

Billy: My gosh! Well that explains the braggadocios phone calls from France, but not his absence from work.

France director sex molestation pervert pedophile Rosemary's Baby The Pianist The Ghost Writer Charlie Manson Tony Romo

by Malbojia September 21, 2010

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Roman Polanski

A disgusting bastard who raped a child. He is the reason I don't give a damn about the Oscars anymore.

Oscar voters: Roman is a good director so all is forgiven.
Me: You guys need to go to hell.

by Hell is beside you, Roman September 21, 2003

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Polanski Trap

A youtube video that might be fed bait for pedofiles

There was this video on youtube i saw by accident that was maybe borderline inappropriate, but I don't want to send it to you bc it might be a Polanski Trap

by kmvb May 12, 2010

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Roman Polanski

1. A person who is accused of a particularly uncouth crime and consequently is admonished despite proper observance to the circumstances of said offense.

2. A person who becomes an example of a tragedy that has previously befallen them.

1. (figuratively speaking) Roman Polanski: "My despair has caused my mind to loosen the strands of what is right and wrong, as a result I pursue things that may seem unreasonable by some societal standards."
Stanley Kubrick: "Shit, son!"

2. RP: "My pregnant wife was murdered and I don't really feel like stopping myself from being sexually attracted to the young ripe peaches of youth anymore. If innocence is destroyed then I shall seek it in the one place it will never fail me."
SK: "Damn, yo."

by breakingwhitebread January 2, 2008

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Broman Polanski

A way of calling to a bro or homie by using the name of director Roman Polanski. A way to call someone who is usually chill or fun to hand out with.

Yo, Broman Polanski, hand me those chips.

by Brotato Chip Romanski November 6, 2011