Source Code

Pound Sand

The term pound sand originally referred to the degrading job of filling rat holes with sand. However, its meaning has evolved, it now refers to a technique used in Vietnamese whore houses. This technique was used when the whores would give a man a hand job and then right before the man would ejaculate the whore would cap the penis, give it one hard pump, and then release it causing the man to ejaculate with such force that the it would hit the ceiling.

Hey, why don't you go pound sand!

by asdfhjjkl December 2, 2004

228๐Ÿ‘ 851๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pound sand

To tell someone that what they want isn't going to happen. The concept of pounding sand is to do something pretty useless. You can hit sand all day long, it doesn't change at all. So by telling someone to "pound sand" you are telling them that they will never get their request.

The debt collecter threatened me but I told him to pound sand, that he wasn't going to get another dime out of me.

by Borrower February 4, 2013

327๐Ÿ‘ 141๐Ÿ‘Ž

pound sand

to tell someone to fuck off.

My brother told me to go mow the lawn. I remarked "pound sand!"

by "J" August 10, 2007

819๐Ÿ‘ 508๐Ÿ‘Ž

pound sand

A crude invitation to do something unnatural with sand and the male reproductive organ.

He invited her up to his room for $30, but she told him to pound sand.

by Master of the oblivious May 21, 2005

107๐Ÿ‘ 561๐Ÿ‘Ž

go pound sand

1. fuck off
2. piss off (chiefly British)
3. git! (chiefly Southern)
4. take a hike
5. get lost
6. go fly a kite
7. go away
8. leave me alone
9. mind your own business
10. poof be gone
11. slither back into the dark slimy pit from whence you come

Telemarketer: May I interest you in ...
You: Go pound sand.

Collection agency drone: Our records indicate that you owe XXX. Should we expect a check or a money order from you?
You: Go pound sand.

Boy: I'll change. I really will. Please baby I promise.
Girl: Go pound sand.

Late person: Hey that seat's mine.
Punctual person: Well you're late. And this isn't assigned seating.
Late person: But I always sit there! <Pouts.>
Punctual person: Go pound sand.

by baconmonster January 14, 2013

91๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

go pound sand

to mine your own bizzness stay out of a convsation!

why don't you go pound sand!!!!!!!!!

by 40oz.killa November 7, 2006

49๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pounding Sand Down a Rathole

An expression used to signify a menial or fruitless task; frequently to be preformed by someone not of sound mind or full capacity.

Giving money directly to a hopeless alcoholic to help him improve his situation is like pounding sand down a rathole.

by modtrtr March 6, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž