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v. - to start work or a paper so early that you do the wrong thing or screw the assignment up

the opposite of procrastinate

Uncico did the physics outline before the assignment was posted, which caused him to precrastinate by doing the wrong chapter.

by Omar Kahil March 1, 2016

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The rare act of getting something done before tomorrow. The complete opposite of procrastination.

Zach: Oh, man. I hate English 2015. Don't you have to write your paper, too?

Billy: Nope, I joined precrastination nation and did work on that thing, got it done almost a week ago.

Zach: *breaks down and cries*

Billy: *hands him a tissue and pats his back* It'll be okay, buddy.

by Nubzilla3 December 6, 2009

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To procrastinate before procrastinating.

Dude 1: Hey man what's up?
Dude 2: Oh I'm just precrastinating my work term report.
Dude 1: Precrastinating?
Dude 2: Ya you know, to precrastinate, procrastinating before you procrastinate.

by Grinner April 28, 2008

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To procrastinate before procrastinating.

Dude 1: Hey man what's up?
Dude 2: Oh I'm just precrastinating my work term report.
Dude 1: Precrastinating?
Dude 2: Ya you know, to precrastinate , procrastinating before you procrastinate.

by Grinner April 29, 2008

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Delaying having to procrastinate as much as possible.

Person A: Stop all this precrastination
Person B: I've got plenty of time; I'll get around to procrastinating later.

by coconutpourer May 25, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of delaying an action prior to actually delaying an action. It's the ultimate in procrastination....really being lazy and unfocused and NOT wanting to start whatever it is that you need to do.

I really did NOT want to do the term paper for my history class. I did not think about it, did not talk about it, did NOTHING about it. It was a total act of precrastination!! Then after I remembered that I needed to to the paper, I went to the movies, played ball and further procrastinated. I eventually handed in the paper late.

by annieoakley February 24, 2010

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Getting things done early, the opposite of procrastinating.

I really tend to precrastinate all my assignments so I have more free time.

by Cinnamontwist April 1, 2020