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the natural enemy of the scene. usally rich snobs who look down on others.

preps annoy people.

by caligulasculler January 23, 2015


A prep is a person that is totally brainwashed by the media. They wear what brands the media tells them to such as A&F, AE, Aero, hollister, express, etc. They basically only listen to mainstream music. They make fun of people who aren't afraid to be themselves otherwise know as individuals. Preps are shallow. They are monkeys --> monkey see, monkey do. The media says something's cool, prep sees, prep thinks it's cool.
As someone else on here said, "preps are the downfall of society". and they are.
THOUGH, there ARE some people that are actually not snobby, wear the "prepy" clothes because they like them, and are smart and not shallow. These people are OK they are nice. They will not lead to the apocolypse like the rest of the preps.

The media says jumping off a bridge is the cool and "in" right now.
prep: Lyk OMG I'm lyk ssooooo jumpin off a briadgee todai. OMGOMG who wantz to com.

by danyelle April 5, 2004

3638๐Ÿ‘ 1556๐Ÿ‘Ž


Preps can be found anywhere in the world, and are known as wealthy, upper middle-class people. Mostly noticed, in highschools, colleges, country clubs, and famous dinner parties.

Can be extremely shallow, and/or ignorant towards other people that are not within their socioeconomic status.

98% of all preps are caucasian.

Most of which do not earn their way to the top of the socio-economic ladder but end up there because of their parents therefore making their "significance" rather manufactured.

A group of people who may not show but can have an incredibly large amount of emotional problems... most of which are these: lack of self respect, low self-esteem (which is why they tend to disrespect and destroy the self-esteem of others who are not like them), insecurity,and alcoholism, narcotics/drugs (money = access)

Preps are also mostly perceived as narcissistic with a superiority complex; and quite possibly the fakest people you will ever meet in your entire life!

There can be however a SMALL percentage of the prep population who are NOT what was described above, but in fact the opposite.

Most preps in this world share one brain; a brain of shallowness,immense ignorance, and loss of true identity. Being a prep is like celebrating Halloween every day since they always like to be someone or something other than THEMSELVES every day of the year.

Two words to simply describe MOST preps in this world:


by Twentyfour December 29, 2005

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(1) A real prep is a person, male or female who is normally a White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant, or WASP. Preps can be any religion, however. A prep is rich because of old money inherited and passed down to other generations. Preps live in Colonial style houses in New England. Preps shop at places like IZOD, Lacoste, Ralph Lauren, Orvis, Lily Pulitzer and other boutiques. Preppy people wear pastels, polo shirts, khakis, sweaters, sun dresses, birkenstocks, TEVAs, Docksiders, belts and ribbons. Materials of choice are wool, cotton, corduroy, silk and occasionally denim.Preps play tennis, golf, squash, raquet ball and field hockey. You will see a prep driving a stereotypical car like a BMW, a flashy Mercedes, a classy Jaguar, a boxy Volvo or any convertible (Volkswagen Beetle convertible) or SUV (Isuzu Trooper). A true prep is not spoiled and gets all good things in moderation. Preps belong to country clubs (inland) or yacht clubs for those lucky enough to live on the coast or near a large body of water. Preps go to Beer Blasts and can be stuffy. Contrary to popular beliefs, true preps do not make fun of punks, goths or any other group. Preps are not brought up mean, and do not have time to make fun of people.
(2)A person, male or female, who shops at AE, Aeropostale, A&F and other "preppy stores." Acts ditzy to get friends or seem easy. Plays soccer or lacrosse, normally. They have some money. These fake preppy bitches have no problem making fun of people/ making others feel bad and out of place This is not a true "prep" however.

(1) Bif: Well good afternoon, Martha, how are you?
Martha: I am well, thank you for asking, and you?
Bif: I picked my BMW up from the shop and went to the Yacht Club.
Martha: Oh, peachy!
Bif: Indeed.

(2) Kathy: Like oma-gah. I like broke an effin' nail. Son of a bee!
Don: Will you give me some behind the bleachers?
Kathy: Haha, duh!
Don: I'm cool because I pretend to be a prep but end up being a poseur instead.
Kathy: I am soooo dumb.. L O L!

by Dr. Doctor August 23, 2005

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A common misconception is that a prep is someone who shops at American Eagle, Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister and pariticpates in school sports and activites. A prep is actually one who attends a prepatory school, usually on the east coast, comes from an old rich family and dresses in labels like Ralph Lauren and Lacoste. A prep wears sweater vests, plays tennis, is a country club member and is destined for a top Ivy League school.

Person 1: Did you see that preppy girl?
Person 2: Yeah. I'll bet she's really rich.

by Someone Smarter Than You March 19, 2005

3430๐Ÿ‘ 1643๐Ÿ‘Ž


In high school, preps usually:

-Are on the varsity football team, the cheerleading squad, or dance squad

-Are rich

-Wear clothes from stores such as Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister

-Have cellphones with ringtones

-Are the first in their class to have cars and other "adult" luxuries

-~:*TyPe LiK dIs On Da InTeRnEt*:~

-Know absolutely nothing about music outside of what is on MTV or the radio

-Know absolutely nothing about "nerd" things (anime, comic books, D&D, etc)

-Think goths are "evil Satan worshipping freaks"

-Do not play video games outside of sports/racing games and Halo/Halo 2 (males) -Do not play video games at all (females)

-Do not play musical instruments, write poetry, or have any artistic qualities of any kind

-Spend their weekends at the mall, at school sports games, or at parties, where they "get drunk off their ass"

-Are absolutely HATED by most intelligent people (including me) for their stupidity and snobbish attitude.

Prep: LiKe OmG iM gOnNa Go 2 aBeRcRoMbIe AnD fItCh AnD dEn WaTcH mTv

Me:...*wants to tear their head off*

by Kazuo February 15, 2005

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The most importent part of the definition of a "prep" is where they go to school. "Preps" go to College Prepetory schools; hence the word "prep." These schools are always private, and often (but not always) boarding schools. The best sports teams are generally lacrosse and field hockey, but everyone has alot of school spirit. Therefore, people who do not go to Prep schools, but dress in the stereotypical clothing of preps (Polos, kakais, loafers, etc.) are not preps, but rather they are "preppy." Essentially these people want to seem like they have ties to old money, or are rich, or are blue bloods, etc, etc.

Now the real preps are generally smart, privilaged, and (very often) white. Their parents are usually doctors, lawyers, or buisnessmen, and all went to college. All preps will go to college, often Ivy Legue schools, or small liberal arts colleges in New England (Middlebury, Trinity, Colby, Etc.), though some will go to the elite west coast schools. Preps will generally fill their college resumes with multiple AP classes and will have SAT tutors or courses to assue their entry into these small, elite, and expensive private colleges.

In the end, these real "preps" are the new aristocracy of the United States. They live their lives sheltered from the hardships that the average citizen must deal with, going on about their way in refined luxury. Their lives are set up before they are born, most will go on to similarly professional, affluent, and prestigious careers as their parents, and they will soon give birth to the next generation of preps.

The real preps don't simply dress "preppy." They live it.

by M.D. Phillips July 25, 2005

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