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A restaurant slang term for a food processor. Since the introduction of the Cuisinart, any food processor can be known as the Queez.

>Where the fuck is that pesto sauce?

>Still in the Queez chef.

by Edmoil January 26, 2007

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


a queef that has to be squeeze out.

you fuckin queez

by jazz man 132132 May 8, 2011

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

queez bag

A term used by wildland fire fighters. Often by the elite β€œhotshots” to refer to other crews who aren’t pulling there fair share or any share at all. Also used by superiors to insult diggers into motivation during long shifts.

Hey queez bag, start digging that is bagger shit.

by leroy December 27, 2003


Making fun of someone/ giving them a hard time; joking around. Kidding

Zach is just queezing/queezin.

Tony be queezing/queezin on your boy, because he is dating a community bicycle.

by Knotta Mr. E June 26, 2010


verb. a combination between quaking and shaking. the act of dying of laughter

she was queezing when the fire alarm rang during the most boring class.

by sarielle32 April 14, 2019


Edging until you eventually relieve yourself in a Quiznos

I tried queezing for the first time and golly willikers, I feel like a new man! The French Dip sandwich never tasted so good!

by TheKingOfWands April 7, 2021


When a girl sneezes and farts out of her coochie at the same time

Girl: Omg I’m so sorry, I accidentally queezed on you
Boy: what the fuck

by WhiteMuchroom April 29, 2022