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Rebecca Black

Annoying teenage singer who sings the song "Friday". Autotune can't save her nasally monotone voice, her facial expressions are annoying, and her lyrics were written by 5 year olds that are learning their days of the week.

*sing holding your nose*
"IT'S FRIDAY IT'S FRIDAY IT'S FRIDAY yesterday was Thursday, today is Friday and tomorrow is Saturday and the day after is Sunday, Friday, Friday...."

She begins by complaining about her week, then wakes up Friday to get ready for school. She begins to eat cereal with her family (I'm sure it was a green screened fake family because her real one probably disowned her), then she gets picked up by her friends in a nice convertable. Her friends don't look old enough to drive, but no that doesn't stop them. Afterall, it's Friday. Then she sings several verses contemplating which seat to sit in. There are 5 seats, and there are already 4 of her friends in the car. Who does she think she is anyway?? Is she really thinking about shuffling all her friends around so she can have the front seat? You stupid, arrogant girl. Then, randomly a 50 year old black man pulls up and starts rapping in a convertable of his own. I hope they aren't going to the same party.

She sounds like pure, unfiltered, verbal diarrea.

Rebecca Black: Hey do you like my new song "Friday"?

Person 2: Look, nowhere in that incoherant rambling was anything that we consider close to a rational thought. Everybody around you is dumber because of listening to you. You have been awarded no points. May God have mercy on your soul.

Rebecca Black: Cheer up! It's Friday Friday Friday Friday...

by the killer cheeto March 21, 2011

133πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Rebecca Black

Some random female singer that has a terrible voice that released a song called "Friday" that has become a hit on Youtube for being called by some as the worst song of all time. This is due to her terrible singing voice and lame lyrics.

Person 1: Did you hear Rebecca Black's song "Friday"

Person 2: No, is it good?

Person 1: Hell no! It sucks balls big time!

by viva riolu March 14, 2011

95πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Rebecca Black

Possibly the worst debut singer ever, her video amassed 2,500,000 views in only a month, not because its good, but because America likes laughing at her. She also informs us on the days of the week.

Rebecca Black: Friday, Friday, Partin' Partin' yeah!

Friday, next comes Saturday,

by 123singing March 15, 2011

1111πŸ‘ 298πŸ‘Ž

Rebecca Black

Auto tone in its purest form--a talentless tween that makes Justin Bieber look like Mozart.

Jim suffered from severe trauma after listening to Rebecca Black's "Friday".

by HappyLotto March 23, 2011

103πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Rebecca Black

A terrible pop singer. Period. Her nasally voice, unremarkable style, and completely uncreative lyrics will make your ears bleed. Her "song", friday, is so ridiculously bad it got 25,000,000 views on youtube in 2 weeks.

If you listen to it you will curse God for giving you ears. You will want to hang yourself and shoot the person who gave her a record deal, for creating the horrible abomination that is now clogging the airways.

The best theory of why anyone would ever let this song happen is to create some kind of real life satire. They are trying to show how this generation will like to any music if the people who make it tell them to.

Rebecca Black:
"Yesterday was Thursday
Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes afterwards."

"fun, fun, fun, fun" to infinity and beyond.

by dr.salamander March 20, 2011

75πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Rebecca Black

A poor excuse for a singer; considered the newest female Justin Bieber counterpart, Rebecca sings a song about the days of the week and her love of "Fry-dey" where she has a lot of "fun fun fun fun". She has no concept of musical creativity, meaningful lyrics, or concealer since she has a huge zit on her right cheek throughout the middle of her music video.

Those who love Justin Bieber will love Rebecca Black. Those who don't (aka 99.98% of the world's population) will want to kick her ass EVERY day of the week.

"Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday/Today i-is Friday, Friday (Partyin’)/We-we-we so excited/We so excited/We gonna have a ball today/Tomorrow is Saturday/And Sunday comes after...wards/I don’t want this weekend to end." -Rebecca Black

by samiam15141 March 15, 2011

296πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž

Rebecca Black

1) Author of the most profound theory on spacetime since Einstein...single-handedly discovered the correlation between Friday and getting down; published said theory in a complex song that has since been widely accepted by the scientific community as correctly placing Friday between Thursday and Sunday.

2) A modern day Shakespeare. "Which seat should I take?" a metaphor that juggles the internal paradox of sitting up front in life or sitting in the back seat.

3) The 13 year old love-child of Antoine Dodson and Britney Spears

Person 1: "Hey did you hear that new Rebecca Black song?"

Person 2: "Yeah, thank God she cleared up the days of the week because waking up and crushing Four Locos on Tuesday was just NOT working out for me"

by Fitness Celebrty Jon Basedow March 22, 2011

71πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž