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restroom moment

/rěst'rōōm'•mō'mənt/ n. A euphemism for diarrhea; a socially acceptable alternative to terms like the shits, hershey squirts and the runs.

Mr. Officer, I realize I was speeding, but I need to get home because I'm about to have a restroom moment! Oops, too late.

by Matt*ee October 21, 2009

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Public restroom

Restrooms you do NOT want to shit in. Public restrooms are usually plagued with:

-Unflushed toilets with piles of toilet paper, piss and shit. Flushing is impossible.


-Skeet on toilets or other places.

In public schools, restrooms are even worse, where they include all the above, plus:

-Stalls with no doors or doors with no locks.

-Damp paper towels stuck to the wall and floor.



-Assholes who will fuck around with you as you take a shit.

-School books and stolen backpacks in toilets.

1) As I walked into my school's public bathroom, I discovered shit in the sink, and some asshole decided to restock the toilet paper dispencer with used, shitty t.p.

2) The toilets in the public restroom were so powerful, I managed to flush a jacket without clog.

by Wasabimoto August 25, 2010

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public restroom

Restroom avaliable for public use. Found in stores, schools, government buildings, etc. Some are OK, but many smell to high heaven, never have enough toliet paper or soap (heh, so much for sanitation), and (especially in the case of high school bathrooms) have tons of graffiti scrawled everywhere. Also are a good place to find people getting high, throwing up, or just hiding from life.

1) "I had to pee, so I ducked into a public restroom. I wish I'd just gone in the woods or something instead, it was that gross."

by killerfiller December 6, 2005

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restroom raid

verb. The act of going into a public bathroom for the sole purpose of pilfering toilet paper and other "free" assundries.

1. "Heidi, we are getting low on Charmin. Would you mind making another restroom raid at the 7-11 before we completely run out?"
2. If you don't mind smelling like Old Spice, the bathroom of my Dad's golf club is a most excellent place to conduct a restroom raid.

by Big Francisco December 31, 2010

Park Restroom

A place where homeless people go to bathe and male homosexuals go to touch butts.

I really had to blast a dookie, but my only option was a park restroom and I was not in the mood for a date.

by mistermedl October 19, 2010

public restroom

a place where STD's are transfered from bums, hobos, and hookers to those who are brave enough to venture inside them and use them for deffocation purposes.

I found out that my STD came from the public restroom and not my girlfriend.

I died a little inside as I passed the public restroom.

by Jizzo March 1, 2005

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Restroom Roulette

This usually applies to women more than men. It's when you go into the bathroom that has a bunch of stalls and it smells like somebody took a big shit. You try to find a stall that the person did not take that huge shit. You go in, sit down and the toilet is warm. You just lost at restroom roulette.

I just lost at restroom roulette. I had to pee really bad and it smelled like shit in there. I sat on the toilet that was warm.

by Feisty M June 28, 2015