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roaming gnome

The rarest of farts, this anomaly occurs when wearing jeans that are way too tight. Gas is released from the anus but has nowhere to escape, so it travels along the taint to the pocket created by your balls against your leg, then is released to either side of your package. It usually results in a bizarre tickling sensation and sounds like cat meowing backwards.

"What the fuck was that!?"
"That noise that just came from your groinal region!?"
"Oh, that. I just dropped a roaming gnome. These pants are two sizes to small."

by udm111 February 25, 2010

Roaming Dome

An alternative way to refer to Road Head.

Devan- "Hey, can you give me a ride to school?"

Calvin- "Only if you give me Roaming Dome on the way there."

by Justin the Waterfall June 28, 2009

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roam and bone

Wandering around on the lookout for girls to have sex with.

I went to the club to roam and bone.

by nicko133 January 14, 2011

Roaming Rule

The Roaming Rule applies to all relationships, just like with your mobile phone network i.e 02 - when you go abroad, you turn off roaming charges...! When you go away with the lads...'roaming charges' are off...

Girl: "I can't believe you shagged another bird in Magaluf..."
Boy: "Doesn't count, the Roaming Rule comes into play when the plane touches down..."

by Woolfy47 May 21, 2015

Dirty Roaming

To take ones cellular device and place it between your ass cheeks, (preferably when soiled and moist) for roughly 5 minutes. Then place the phone on a table or somewhere a loved one will her it ring. Proceed to call the phone and watch their face once they get a smell of your sweaty, vinegary open ass!

Last week after mowing my lawn and my crack was dripping a hybrid mix of mud and sweat, I though it would be nice to walk around the house with my wife's phone stuck way up close to my bung. I placed the phone on the kitchen counter and called it, my wife not only answered the phone and immediately threw it to the ground, she actually vomited and cracked the screen giving her "dirty roaming".

by NIKKY T February 3, 2014

Roaming Gnomes

Little, dwarf-like creatures with pointy red hats. By day, you may see them frolick merrily in people's gardens alongside tulips and fresh soil, though at night they are rumored to steal your undergarments, preferably socks. Some believe this is in protest of them being decorative lawn ornamnents.

Mom! That thing on the lawn stole my sock again!

by IndieGirl March 2, 2005

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roam speak

A style of language that consists of spelling words phonetically. It is used primarily while roaming, especially while engaged in acts of pwnage.


Why is he typing in roam speak i cant understand a thing he says.

by whereswaldo January 7, 2007

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