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My annoying ass cat that just wants to make my life worse, anytime i want to sleep, this fuzzhead fuckin meows and claws me and shit. She's a fluffy 6 year old retarded cat that just does random ass shit, god damn cat, im just laying down, and she jumps up on my bed and just "Meoooowoowoooooooooowoowo" its like "Shut the hell up you fukin dam cat retard."

My mom, "why are you up so early?"
Me "Sofie and her retarded annoying fluffball woke me up meowing and clawing me fuckin cat."

by SS_iResPawn February 21, 2022

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Great friend that should go into the music business, short, energetic, loud(most of the time) cute, and fun.

Sofie’s a great friend! :)

by #Suzie(not really) February 6, 2022


A type of person, that has so little sense of self, that when they read the defintions of themselves on Urban Dictionary, they start questioning who they really are.

β€œI’m Sofie. Am I a squirrel?”

β€œI’m Sofie. I might be a big-headed mexican girl, or a gay ass bitch. Do I hate countrymusic? And chinese? The language? I don’t know anymore.”

by SadSquirrel November 22, 2021

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She is funny and cute.

Sofie is a cute women

by Grodan122 March 1, 2020

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A 'Sofie' is a very unique breed of females often hiding away in their bedrooms with very little care to the outside world ,they often only eat crisps and drink monsters so feeding them is easy, but that's if they do eat as they seem to thrive on very little .They seem to only range in the "I'm not short category" so they're about 5ft5 at best and they tend to eat the foods of a 5 year old as a lemon and herb chicken at nandos would be considered too spicy for a 'sofie' .Once you get into a relationship with a 'sofie' you will find that your life gets easier and all worries vanish.
Never mention you're a better gamer as you will be proven wrong. As she is a call of duty athlete as she has spent many moons grinding the call of duty so she will crush you with her SPM and kill death ratio.

"Omg is that a Sofie ?"

"Yes she has Finally left her room after a 12 hour cod session."

"Uh uhhh she is a call of duty athlete after all"

by Ieuanisgod November 23, 2021


If you know a Sofie she might seem a little unique and different at first but once you get to know her she starts to grow on you. She is the life of the party and doesn't care what other people think. She has her own unique style. When she has something on her mind she doesn't think twice about saying it. She can be very loving and caring though. They are tough through hard times.

Omg. Wait Sofie is coming to the party. I have to go she is so kind and the life of the party!!!

by The best sister eve January 2, 2021

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Sofie is a fucking hot girl, usually super adorable and bangable.
She has alot of friends and she is sooo nice.
Sofie has an amazing body, great taste in Music and her eyes shine like diamonds.

Sofie is loved by everyone <3

She is a great kisser and fucking good in bed, thank god if you have a girlfriend like Sofie.
Nice tits

Mom, I wanna be like Sofie when i grow up!!!

by Jonas Jastram Mikkelsen February 12, 2018

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