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butter sputter

The expulsion of vaginal lubricant that often accompanies a queef, although the expulsion may occur for any number of other reasons such as: 1.) swift punch to the body (see donkey punch); 2.) bodily decomposition (see mung); or during a sit up occurring after feminine arousal.

1. Jess had sex with two men in one evening. By the time she was almost done with the second, she was queefing so bad that the butter sputter almost made Doug put on a rain coat for his own protection. The filthy act was wetter than a monsoon.

2. Not only did Luke's dog queef, but there was also some butter sputter, as evidenced by the stains in her dog bed.

3. The butter sputter left flecks of moisture on her panties, leaving her in an awkward situation as she sat on the church pew during mass.

by Jon - #1784 October 26, 2007

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The Sputtering Johnson

A close relative to the Clevand Steamer and Hot Carl. It is when you shit diahrrea all over a bitches chest.

In an effort to be as disrespectful as possible when preforming The Sputtering Johnson on a bitch... she must drive you to Taco Bell, pay for your tacos, and let you eat them all on the way home.. knowing full well the end result of this trip will be her convered in diahrrea..

by The Realist NY August 4, 2009

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Butt sputter

When your dump is on the cusp of your sphinct and your baloon knot begins sputtering out small moist farts in rapid succession until you have the chance to release your brown baby.

Jim: Dude we need to pullover!

Steve: Why?

Jim: That second cup of coffee this morning has my butt sputtering.

by WillyCV December 23, 2014

sputter out

die down

Nature apparently meant passions to sputter out in something like four years.

by ohmylol December 11, 2017

Sputter Butt

A temporary condition suffered while defecating that follows a bad case of diarrhea; typically characterized by explosive flatulance accompanied by the release of particulated fecal matter and the remaining contents of one's intestinal lining.

Dude, I had sputter butt for two days after eating that bad sushi!

by Cheddar Poof December 24, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

text sputter

The inexplicable sending of texts or SMS messages in two to four-word fragments, exasperating the recipient. Someone who text-sputters usually sends instant messages on the Internet the same way, and fires off e-mails without salutations, sign-off, or even the quote feature. Indecipherable txtese thrown in for good measure is par for the course. Often can't be bothered with punctuation, and also favors writing in either all caps or all lower case. The kind of person who initiates first-time conversations with strangers with the word "and."

MICK: hey went to
tower records n
bought 3 CDs
2day thn I
pckd up dzn
rss 4
Rosalita then i

ROSALITA: This IS Rosalita. Can't wait for the flowers, but please consolidate the text sputter!

MICK: sorry I
didn't mean
to, will work

by SugarFreeSheila.com February 8, 2010

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sputtering bagpipe

When your female or male partner is giving you fellatio on the bed at a 90 degree angle and his/her arm pushes on your stomach so much that you flatulate.

I found a girl on tinder and she turned me into a sputtering bagpipe, on a Tuesday afternoon.

by Shutteringbagpipe April 30, 2023