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One who observes, looks for, gawks, or even tries to interact with a celebrity.

100% TRUE STORY: After trying repeatedly to semi-successfully engage in conversation with Frances Fisher (former lover of Clint Eastwood) at Whole Foods Market in Hollywood, a stargazer knew her label ... when Ms. Fisher said loudly, winking, to the cashier as the "stargazer" followed her in line: "What kind of lily is that (pointing to a bunch of lilies for sale at the register)?" The cashier loudly said in reply, winking back Ms. Fisher, while looking at the "stargazer" gawker ...

"It's a Stargazer."

She knew then, that she had overstepped her boundaries with the celebrity, and was a true Stargazer.

by Candycasa January 30, 2010

26πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Shipper of the Harry Potter ship WolfStar (Remus/Sirius)

I love Remus and Sirius together, I'm a complete stargazer.

by SiriusScruffy September 21, 2012

12πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


what you do when youre high with a bunch of friends. sand up spin aroung 15 times and then someone shines a flashlight right in yur face and you loose contol of your body.

tim: hey john, after that bowl do you wanna go stargazing?
john: OKAY!

by MEGA$EX October 5, 2008

34πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


Slang term for having sex

Friend 1: hey how was your date this weekend?
Friend 2: it was soooooo good! We went stargazing ALL NIGHT!!!

by notyouraveragejo April 8, 2021

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Gazing into the twinkle of another man’s eyes as he fills you with his load

I was out stargazing with Aakash in the yard last night, was magical.

by o0strokes0o November 14, 2018

16πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


An obscure early JRPG for the NES only released in Japan. It is infamous for how absolutely atrocious it is, having incomprehensible spiriting, bad art, invisible towns, random warp tiles that bring you back to the beginning of the game, an insane number of bugs, huge balancing issues, terrible UI, starting back at Lv0 every time you load a save, allowing you to get completely stuck and soft locked if you didn't bring enough keys, etc. It is often regarded in japan as the "legendary shitty game" which is quite the accomplishment. Regardless, a massive patch/ROM Hack exists for the NES version that fixes the bugs and graphics so the game is actually playable, (it's still bad though) and a full remake made in RPG Maker XP also exists. No English translation of either the NES or RPG Maker version has ever been made due to the game's obscurity.

Guy 1: "Dragon Warrior II is by far the worst JRPG on the NES."
Guy 2: "Nah fam, STARGAZER is far, FAR worse."
Guy 1: "WTF is a STARGAZER?"

by KrimsonKatt January 13, 2022


The act of responding to a message that was posted either way earlier in a conversation or an otherwise long time ago.

Derived from the premise of watching stars from very far away, where the light you see from them is billions years old and far from when it was originally sent in your direction.

John: "had some hella good pizza the other night" β€” 4 hours ago

John: "btw how did your game this evening go" β€” 3 minutes ago

Bella: "omg what kinda pizza was it" β€” a minute ago

John: "stop stargazing, Bella" β€” Now

by wetpudding January 10, 2022