Source Code

Strong Mad

A guy with no neck, an intelligence below Home Star's (which is below avarage), Doesn't know a word of English.

Strong Mad: Ravvy homa hashy vaaaaa!
SKR (some kinda robot): Hey wanna learn some English Strong Mad
Strong Mad: Pradgnad maaaaa!
SKR: Uhhh.....nevermind

by Some kinda robot April 25, 2003

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Strong Mad

A big, neckless pink guy in a singlet. Can't say anything normal. Like Douglas.
Also enjoys making origami out of unused emails.


by ME SO IDIOT April 22, 2003

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Strong Mad

As it turns out, Strong Mad can pronounce "Douglas", but only when asked to say "Fhqwhgads".

"Whoa! We've had a breakthrough! You get a gold star."

by Anonymous October 8, 2003

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Strong Mad

The Cheats best friend and part of the brothers strong. Has trouble saying "douglas"

"Say Douglass"

by coolpersonyo August 30, 2003

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Strong Mad

I don't know, you guys. Strong Mad's been a little... dumber than usual lately. He punched The Cheat for no reason at all, which was funny, but you know, that's just not Strong Mad. I think he finally got an e-mail from somebody who actually likes him, and is angry that he does not know how to type. But who knows.

Remember to check my e-mail's every Monday - Strong Bad.

by Strong Bad June 19, 2003

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Strong Mad

Bald, Brock Lesnar look-a-like from homestarrunner.com with a singlet and some peculiar boots. Like crushing, I mean, folding paper.

"This is a Lotus Flower! This is a Praying Mantis!"

by The Nebagram November 24, 2003

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Strong Mad

used to be the champion but got beaten by the tire

strong mad vs the tire

by UHHH October 13, 2003

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