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Tunnel Cunted Mole. Used to describe a very mean woman

That bitch is a total TCM

by DBJB October 30, 2008

7👍 11👎


Acronym for 'Texas Chainsaw Mascara.' Oscar's hyna who has real bad acne. Resembles Leatherface from the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" movie.

Hey, don't fuck with Oscar's hyna TCM cause she'll cut you up.

by Demadre March 5, 2005

1👍 15👎


The Crystal Method, the best techno group of all time

I love the new tcm album, Community Service 2

by Jeph tha 5'9 August 3, 2007

14👍 17👎


A two cock mouth. Used in the porn industry to describe actresses, and actors, with a wide mouth, large enough to suck at two penises at the same time.

"S(he)'s got a TCM, lets use her (him) for the orgy scene."

by hamlet November 6, 2006

9👍 16👎


This refers to an easy woman - takes cock man

An acquaintance of mine was pointing out some of the women walking
in the town square the other day. He made the following statement
about a real beautiful one - " See her, she's great, tcm "

by Stias September 8, 2005

5👍 14👎

TCM Studios

A film production company owned by TwatCuntMusic. They have mad many masterpiece's in the TCMCU such as: Ben Likes Kids, and Ben Likes Kids.

Have you seen Ben Likes Kids 2 it was made by TCM Studios.

by TwatCuntMusic February 2, 2023