Source Code


A sound change that Americans invented to make British infiltrators easier to detect.

He pronounced "hand" as hænd rather than hɛənd, with no æ-tensing , so we knew to be suspicious of him.

by ___alphabet___ July 15, 2023

tense maria

The term used for someone who is cranky after he / she has been dealing with money

"Stop man!" "Wow were you dealing with money? What a tense maria

by eman9921 March 29, 2011

TenSing musical

Euphemism for going on a Tinder date.

Erlend: sorry I couldn't join you guys yesterday. I had to rehearse for a TenSing musical.
Fredrik: really? Because we had eyes on you and a very cute blonde at Laundromat...

Erlend: folds all right, I was at a Tinder date.

Everybody: hahahaha

by DJHellduck April 14, 2016

epic tense

1. A verb tense expressing epicness

2. Usage of archaic verbs to impart a sense of majesty or grand scale

3. A rebuttal used against Grammar Nazis with parade-pissingly bad timing

"No problems, my friend. It shall be done."
"Don't you mean it wil-"
"Epic tense. Shut the fuck up."

by RexR August 7, 2008

Past tense

A verb tense used to express an action or a condition that occurred in or during the past.

I passed the tense to someone else

by Wh0r3 October 12, 2003

54👍 37👎

Pi Tense

When numerologists or paranormal gurus claim that the present value of the transcendental number π on a planet or from a galaxy was different in the past and will change again in the future due to competing invisible forces in the spiritual realm.

A Fields medalist confided to some close faculty colleagues that he believes in the pi tense hypothesis albeit he couldn’t prove it.

by Fasters May 30, 2022

pelvic tense

when two people are making out but not having sex and both people tense their hips, pushing their sex organs very tightly together

hips tense=pelvic tense

by JFwolves June 7, 2012