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Captain America

big buff patriotic roid-monkey from the 40โ€™s

The Roid Monkey could be Captain America

by JesusInAVan September 28, 2020

Captain America

A man who refuses to practice safe sex, believing he is immune to all STDs (a la Captain America's immunity via Super Soldier Serum injections).

He's pulling a Captain America by refusing to wear a condom when he knows she's packing heat.

by LuluBleu September 7, 2017

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Captain America

A sex move in which the user flings his/her partner across the room, crashing into a group of Nazi foot-soldiers and scattering them like duckpins.

Get ready, baby; I'm going to treat you to the Captain America.

by Matt Amazo January 17, 2008

103๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž

Captain America

To invert one's hands over the eyes to form a mock mask. Done while fucking a woman doggy style. An exclusive club you join in using this maneuuver. The move was originally created by Rat Boy.

Bro I pulled off the captain america last night, it was breath-taking

by macdad April 3, 2003

100๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž

Captain America

Verb: The act of giving someone a facial in self defense. Using your partners face as Captain Americas shield to protect yourself from your own shots.

Sarah came over the other night, things got out of control and I ended up having to Captain America her.

by Sabretooth Skellington November 22, 2013

35๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

Captain America

Follow the set up for the donkeypunch/Tony Danza maneuver, but after exclaming 'Whos the Boss?!' reach under the bed for the convieniently located trash can lid , grip it ala Captain america style, and knock that bitch over the head while yelling ' CAPTAIN AMERICA'

She though the Captain america was bad, good thing i didnt do the Iron Man

by Sam Wohlfeil December 16, 2005

65๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž

Captain America

This is when you are receiving a blowjob from a woman and when she pulls back, you then proceed to grab her by the hair and thrust her face into your nutsack, humming the Captain America theme. And when she pulls back with an angry look in her eyes, you put your hands over your eyes in a mask style, and scream "JUSTICE!"

Man 1: Hey, isn't your girlfriend mad at you, bro?
Man 2: "Yeah, she's mad because last night she pulled back and I Captain America'd that ass."

by Jennycoppertail April 30, 2012

40๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž