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The f slur is a slur used against gay men, non binary people who are attracted to men and transfems. If you're not any of these, you have no right to reclaim it

person 1: "yeah he just called me the f-slur, that's fucked up"

person 2: "why do people still use it, that's really homophobic"

by anonymous1826 November 12, 2021

170πŸ‘ 244πŸ‘Ž

F Slur

The β€œF Slur” is a word that normal people use on stupid little skittle fucks.

Fag short for faggot is targeted and retarded people who use neo pronouns
Faggots have bo father figure

Fuck off you faggot!
I don’t talk to faggots!
Piss off you fatherless fuck, I hate fags!
F Slur(faggot) means gay and fatherless.

by Black monkey slave July 13, 2022

16πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž

F-slur (f4gg0t)

The f-slur is a slur used against feminine and gay/bisexual men (or just men don't fit in the toxic masculinity standards)

If you are either a non-man or just a heterosexual person (or a hetero man) you can NOT reclaim the f-slur it is considered extremely homophobic.
f4g is also an abbrevant from f4gg0t so don't use that either

idiot: HEY YOU F4GG0T!!
smart person: you can't use that, the F-slur is homophobic.
idiot: okay i'm sorry

Definiton: The F-slur (f4gg0t) is not okay and shouldn't be used as a cussword.

by Ctasareawseomaandgrayisgay May 11, 2022

10πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


Fankui/fangui, a word stronger than H-word (Huana/Huan-a/Hoana/Hoan-a).
Used by pureblood Chinese to refer to either non-Chinese or half-Chinese

F-slur is a racist term from pure Chinese to either non-Chinese or half-Chinese

by Sir. B August 11, 2023


Fankui/fangui, a word stronger than H-word/H-slur (Huana, Huan-a, Hoana, Hoan-a) used by Chinese people to non-Chinese or half-Chinese

H-word/H-slur, F-slur, and G-slur/G-word/K-word/K-slur are forms of Sinocentrism

by Sir. B August 1, 2023