Source Code

Fist Bump

When two people are both fisting a girl at the same time. One fisting the vagina and the other fisting the arsehole. While both are fisting the fists hit each other as a form of a bump. 'Fist Bump'

Guy 1: Hey, how did it go with Ashlee?

Guy 2: Me and Steve totally fist bumped her last night, she's such a slut!

by The WizzaRrd August 31, 2011

40👍 224👎

Fist bump

When 2 people are bent over standing with their butt cheeks touching and, simultaneously, fake sneeze until their sphincters kiss.

Person 1: Aw man, I'm going to have to stick to soft foods for awhile.

Person 2: Why's that?

Person 1: Because we were fist bumping until I gave myself a hemmorrhoid.

by Nfarnold21 July 14, 2015

10👍 68👎

Ukraine fist bump

A shot of vodka and a bump of cocaine

Let's have a Ukraine fist bump boys

by Shamelesst December 10, 2017

Aztec Fist Bump

The Aztec Fist Bump is an ancient technique used by Aztecs to, what they believed that ‘cured’ constipation. It’s a procedure that involves making two incisions in the abdomen, then inserting and pressing your fists against the intestines. Then the one preforming the procedure would squeeze an area of the intestine track together with their fist, collapsing that area and forcing any stool in said area to pass down through the intestine. This graphic procedure obviously came with horrible side effects, and sometimes even resulted in death. But it was believed that doing this would massage and re-shape your intestine walls, so future stools would not get clogged up as they have in the past.

Today, it is used as a sexual move, but has been majorly scaled down and de-intensified. Most modern acts include using your fists to rub the pressure points located near the intestine and massaging the area of constipation to help stool pass through the body quicker so that they may take part in sexual acts using said stool.

(Note: Please note that NONE of what this says is actually real and I wrote this as a meme. If you want to play someone, remove this note through the source code. >:D )

“Hey babe, you wanna Aztec Fist Bump me tonight?”

“I’ll order mexican food tonight”

“You naughty person”

(Note: conversation is spoken in a sexual manner between the two persons.)

by SmallDickDoofus May 23, 2021

ukrainian fist bump

A shot of vodka and a key bump of cocaine

We can't compete with svetlana during happy hour at the Inn when she's offering Ukrainian Fist Bumps for $5 bucks down at Mickeys!

by DaddyScrapes27 May 1, 2018

11👍 2👎

terrorist fist bump

noun Barack Obama's fist bump with wife Michelle during
the election campaign. Interpreted by talking heads on Faux
News to be some sign that he's associated with terrorists.

Bill O'lielly: And there it is... the terrorist fist bump once again.

by rich rick February 28, 2011

31👍 10👎

Philadelphia Fist bump

1) Sexual position wherein both male and female are laying back facing each other, either in a scissor position or the females legs bent over the males. The penis must be semi-flaccid to bend properly when inserted into the vagina. The thrusting comes from a rapid succession of punches that contact the base of the penis and may even incorporate grazing of the vulva.

2) how you'd picture two paraplegics going at it

3) see Philadelphia pancake Hawaiian Handshake

"Daisy and I were wrecked after round three but we still nutted using the old Philadelphia fist bump technique my daddy taught me after he lost his legs in 'Nam."

by CMDR Peaches November 2, 2019