Source Code

Rules Of The Internet

1. Do not talk about /b/

2. Do NOT talk about /b/

3. We are Anonymous.

4. Anonymous is legion.

5. Anonymous does not forgive, Anonymous does not forget.

6. Anonymous can be horrible, senseless, uncaring monster.

7. Anonymous is still able to deliver.

8. There are no real rules about posting.

9. There are no real rules about moderation either — enjoy your ban.

10. If you enjoy any rival sites — DON'T.

11. You must have pictures to prove your statement.

12. Lurk moar — it's never enough.

13. Nothing is Sacred.

14. Do not argue with a troll — it means that they win.

15. The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it.

16. There are NO girls on the internet.

17. A cat is fine too.

18. One cat leads to another.

19. The more you hate it, the stronger it gets.

20. It is delicious cake. You must eat it.

21. It is delicious trap. You must hit it.

22. /b/ sucks today.

23. Cock goes in here.

24. You will never have sex.

25. ????


27. It needs more Desu. No exceptions.

28. There will always be more fucked up shit than what you just saw.

29. You can not divide by zero (just because the calculator says so).

30. No real limits of any kind apply here — not even the sky



33. Desu isn't funny. Seriously guys. It's worse than Chuck Norris jokes.

34. There is porn of it. No exceptions.

35. If no porn is found of it, it will be created.

36. No matter what it is, it is somebody's fetish. No exceptions.

37. Even one positive comment about Japanese things can make you a weeaboo.

38. When one sees a lion, one must get into the car

39. There is furry porn of it. No exceptions.

40. The pool is always closed due to AIDS (and stingrays, which also have AIDS).

41. If there isn't enough just ask for Moar.

42. Everything has been cracked and pirated.


44. The internet is not your personal army.

45. Rule 45 is a lie.

46. The cake is a lie.

47. If you post it, they will cum.

48. It will always need moar sauce.

49. The internet makes you stupid.

50. Anything can be a meme.

51. Longcat is looooooooooong.

52. If something goes wrong, Ebaums did it.

53. Anonymous is a virgin by default.

54. Moot has cat ears, even in real life. No exceptions.

55. CP is awwwright, but DSFARGEG will get you b&.

56. Don't mess with football.

57. MrSpooky has never seen so many ingrates.

58. Anonymous does not "buy", he downloads.

59. The term "sage" does not refer to the spice.

60. If you say Candlejack, you w

61. You cannot divide by zero.


63. If you do not believe it, then it must be habeebed for great justice.

64. Not even Spider-Man knows how to shot web.

65. Mitchell Henderson was an hero to us all.

66. This is not lupus, it's SPARTAAAAAAAAAA.

67. One does not simply shoop da whoop into Mordor.

68. Katy is bi, so deal w/it.


70. Also, cocks.

71. This is a showdown, a throwdown, hell no I can't slow down, it's gonna go.

72. Anonymous did NOT, under any circumstances, tk him 2da bar|?

73. If you express astonishment at someone's claim, it is most likely just a clever ruse.

74. If it hadn't been for Cotton Eyed Joe, Anonymous would have been married a long time ago.

75. Around Snacks, CP is lax.

76. All numbers are at least 100 but always OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAND.

77. Hal Turner definitely needs to gb2/hell/.

78. Mods are fucking fags. No exceptions.

79. All Caturday threads will be bombarded with Zippocat. No exceptions.

80. No matter how cute it is, it probably skullfucked your mother last night.

81. That's not mud.

82. Steve Irwin's death is really, really funny.


84. Rule 87 is true.

85. Yes, it is some chickens.

86. Bobba bobba is bobba.

87. Rule 84 is false. OH SHI-

88. If your statement is preceded by "HAY GUYZ", then you are not doing it right.

89. If you cannot understand it, it is machine code.

90. Anonymous still owes Hal Turner one trillion U.S. dollars.

91. Spengbab Sqarpaint is luv Padtwick Zhstar iz fwend.

92. Disregard Bigmike, he sucks cocks.

93. Secure tripcodes are for jerks.

94. If someone herd u liek Mudkips, deny it constantly for the lulz.

95. Combo breakers are inevitable. If the combo is completed successfully, it is gay.

96. I am a huge faggot. Please rape my face.

97. Shit sucks and will never be stickied.

98. Bricks must are required to be shat whenever Anonymous is surprised.

99. If you have no bricks to shit, you are made of fail and AIDS.


102. If you think you are the meister, you're lying to yourself. JMW, JMO, JEO, JEE, and JME are teh Lords & Meisters. So all your bass r belong to us!

Person A: Man i just so owned you and those nubs.
Person B: So? You're not my master.
Person A: Oh yes i am.
Person B: Rule 102 bish.
Person C: Dumbass should've read the rules of the internet.

by Weruzu May 11, 2009

269👍 819👎

Old Rules Of The Internet

1.do not talk about 4chan.
2.do NOT talk about 4chan.
3.We Are Anonymous.
4.Anonymous is Legion.
5.Anonymous NEVER Forgives.
6.Anonymous can be a HORRIBLE SENSELESS UNCARING Monster (/cruise)
7.Anonymous is still able to deliver.
8.There are no real rules about posting.
9.There are no real rules about moderation either- enjoy your ban.
10.If you enjoy any rival sites-DONT (i.e. an hero.
11. All your carefully picked arguments can easily be ignored.
12.Anything you say, can and WILL be used against you.
13.Anything you say can be turned into something else- fixed.
14.Do not argue with trolls-that means they win.
15.The harder you try, the harder you fail.
16.If you fail in epic proportions, it may just become a winning failure.
17.Every win fails eventually.
18.Everything that can be labeled can be hated.
19.The more you hate it, the stronger it gets.
20.Nothing is to be taken seriously.
21.OC is original only for a few second- before getting old.
22.Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality.
23.Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality.
24.Every repost is always a repost of a repost.
25.Relation to the original topic decreases with every single post.
26.Any topic can easily be turned into something totally unrelated.
27.Always question a persons sexual preference without any real reason.
28.Always question a persons gender- just incase it's a man.
29.In the interweb, all girls are men, and all kids are undercover FBI agents. (yay partyvan)
30.There are no girls on the internet.
30a. Excluding Beth, but she is from the future, so it's ok.
31.TITS OR GTFO, the choice is always yours.
32.You must have pictures to prove your statements. (pics or it didnt happen)
33.Lurk moar- it's never enough.
34.There is porn of it- no exceptions.
34a. Excluding rule 34..unless you use the numbers 3 and 4 to...nvm
35.If no porn is found at the moment of question, porn will be made.
36.There will always be more fucked up shit that what you just saw.
37.You can not divide by zero. (just because the calculator says so)
38.No real limits apply at anytime here- not even the sky.
41.Desu isn't funny, seriously, it's worse than chuck norris jokes.
42.Nothing is Sacred. (like Jesus fucking Christ, Mary, And Joseph. WINCEST)
43.The more beautiful and pure a thing is- the more satisfying it is to corrupt it.
44.Even one single comment about japanese culture can make you a weeaboo.
45.Whence one sees a lion, Thou shalt get into thine car.
46.Always furry porn of it- Always.
47.The pool is always closed.
47a. Due to AIDS.
47aa. And sharks.
47aaa. And stingrays.
47aab-47aaaa. Which are filled with AIDS.

The Game.
See- Old Rules Of The Internet, to try again.

by Anonymous9820 August 2, 2008

150👍 49👎

Rule 34 of the internet

Originally circulated on 4chan by members of Anonymous, in which the rule was formulated as "if it exists, there is porn of it". (Thanks Google!)

Of course there's porn of FNAF, as said in Rule 34 of the internet!

by Topper13009 January 21, 2016

34👍 1👎

Rule Zero of the Internet

Rule zero of the internet refers to the most important rule of the internet. Don't f**k with cats.

Hey do you know rule zero of the internet? It's don't f**k with cats.

by Phenoniem January 13, 2022

18👍 4👎

Rule 54 of The Internet

If there is a song on the internet, there is a Megalovania remix of it.

Is there a megalovania x Space Jam? Apply Rule 54 of The Internet.

by Dartheron April 30, 2020

13👍 2👎

rule 0 of the internet

Ask for none, and you shall recieve all.

In other words, if someone explicitly says they don't like something or don't want to see something, that's all they'll see for an extended period of time. Examples include the Harambe meme, Ligma, and Philip Defranco being called "daddy".

YouTube commenter 1: Here's 10 dollars for you, daddy

Philip Defranco: Thanks, but please don't call me "daddy".

*YouTube comments proceed to call him daddy for entire livestream and beyond*

Another commenter: Phil, you broke rule 0 of the internet. What have you done?

by akuwardmoments August 21, 2019

Rule 101 of the Internet

101. There will always be fappers in chat rooms. No exceptions.

Come on, we all know it's true. Do we really need an example?Rule 101 of the Internet has been proven too many times.

by Jeffykins October 16, 2012

7👍 2👎