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1. A respectable means of gaining knowledge and becoming more employable through hard work, therefore aiding humanity in becoming a smarter, more advanced species.

2. Something most people waste a large portion of their life at solely to save face, being that most people are thoughtless sheep who'll do whatever it takes to be accepted by society and are uninspired in general having absolutely no personal aspirations.

1. "I'm very interested in philosophy and wish to endure a life long career in the field so that I can enjoy the thought provoking concepts that are bound to surface, hence making my existence both a more enjoyable and meaningful experience."

2. "I guess I'll study philosophy... It's taught at university so whatever. My parents want me to go and people consider it prestigious so I'll spend six years of my life and 140k doing it. That'll certainly get people to think I'm smart."

by irritatedobserver April 29, 2009

281πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž


Institution which, with a bit of luck, can just about manage to undo half of a percent of the damage wrought by school.

She's made it to university. There's hope for her yet.

by Fearman August 3, 2007

499πŸ‘ 120πŸ‘Ž


Universism is a religious philosophy which aims to unite freethinkers, whether they use the term Atheist, Agnostic, Deist, Transcendentalist, Pantheist, Scientific Materialist or other to describe their beliefs. Universism posits that religious philosophy should not be conceived in terms of one's views toward God, but rather the method and attitude with which one approaches religious questions. Universists embrace uncertainty and deem it fundamental to human progress.

Universists believe all meaning and purpose should be understood through personal reason and experience, without resort to faith.

by Greg Davidson February 26, 2005

47πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


An infinitely large and infinitely improbable amount of space which, when looked at from a mathematical standpoint, can be said to have no life, civilization, language, art, or anything at all in it. The answer to the whole mess of it all has been calculated to be forty-two, but every attempt to find the actual question has failed miserably, the most noteworthy of which has been the planet Earth. Thoughts on this matter-
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

There is another which states that this has already happened."
-Douglas Adams.

The universe is, in general, an incredibly expensive, paradoxial, crowded, lonely, and ridiculously entertaining place in which to be located.

by NeNay April 6, 2004

81πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

The Universe

A series of inside jokes and mistakes made by God in an attempt to impress his drinking buddies on a Saturday in late August. Hence the five day work week and the platypus.

Dude 1: Hey, you want to hear a joke?

Dude 2: Sure, why not.

Dude 1: The Universe!!!!

by 3rdgensentry March 2, 2009

26πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A unified consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, looking for its reason for absence.

We are solving ourselves.

Each universe within the multiverse is like an octave of reality. As we understand there are 7 colours and 7 notes in a scale. There are also 7 levels of consciouness. Each octave of thought is a different dimension/parrallel universe.

We can only see into this reality just like we can only see one octave of light. Higher vibrations are out of view, and so are lower vibrations. The same goes for sound, only because particles are at much lower energy vibrations anyway, we can hear more octaves.

Everything is looking to progress from a lower vibration to a higher vibration. At higher vibrations everything is less seperate. E.g. The frequency of T.V's is roughly 50hz, and so for us it seems smouth and one flowing picture. At lower frequencies we can see each individual frame.

The idea is to become more unified. Emotionally, Love and Hate are the spectum of thought. Hate is seperation - lower frequencies of thought, love is unifaction - higher frequencies of thought. When we hate everything, then we suffer, because as we have hated everything, so everything has hated us. When we love everything, we find bliss, because as we have loved everything, so everything loves us. Very simple, yet so far, our species (humanity) has yet to see this obviousness.

We have had glimpses into the truth of higher, more perfect, realities (known as heaven - which is only a word, the reality is so much more), but due to our misinterpretation of the truth due to our lack of understanding to begin with we have generated a game of chinese whispers through religions until our realisation that we were being controlled through half truths and misconceptions.

Understand that these chinese whispers have passed through the minds of hatful people that wish to control and supress true knowledge from us. E.g. 200 years ago, we were being enslaved by christianity. Now, we broke free from childish interpretations of reality into something much worse. As we developed so did the system.

We are now controlled by governments. Much more organised, much more controlling. Setting aside commandments for laws.

There is only universal law, everything else is just a guideline. That being said, killing someone isn't against the universal law, but it is a hateful act and so the universe balances itself by mechanisms described in Buddhism as Karma. It is important to act as loving and compassionate as possible so as to enjoy everything and ascend in consciousness.

Heaven is simply a higher vibration of reality, Hell doesn't exist. Or, we already exist in the lowest vibration of thought there can be. So this is technically Hell.

God is Love, because love is unified and God is complete as one. Perfect like a sphere.

Aside from all of the above. Most of us forget that we are just beings in a universe, and become so obsessed with our own petty lives we forget the bigger picture.

The universe is like the breath of God. Moving from 0 - 1 - 0... The universe shall expand and contract from nothing to nothing. We shall live these lives over and over again.

Though, in higher realities, because our frequency is much higher, so time appears slower. Our thoughts are very much more instintaneous because we exist as energy, so our thoughts are as fast as light. Yet, our thoughts now are controlled on a chemical level, and have to travel through nerves at less than 1/100 the speed of light (possibly even less).

We see things in a linear fashion. We see a begining - the 'Big Bang' and so for us, there is an end - the 'Big Crunch'. But time is just an illusion. When we develop higher understandings of reality, so shall we understand time in a different way. And so we shall forget the past, forget the future, and live completely in the present. The only thing that exists is the here and now, and so, when we live completely in the here and now, so time has no relevance, and so we find eternity in bliss, through love.

Science believes the universe to be a probability event. But a probability of what proportion? 1/infinity I imagine. So then, science is obviously underestimating how big infinity really is... this is based on the uncertainty principle. That is due to the fact that an electron cannot be deteced without disturbance. Basically, inorder to detect it, you need to throw something at it so it will then throw something back so you can see it (give it some energy so that it will become 'excited; so that it will seek to assume its normal state and give off the energy. So as soon as you detect it, you have then given it some energy and so whatever data that has been recorded is instantly irrelevant because it will be behaving under new circumstances to which it was first detected. Doesn't mean to say an electron is a probablity, it just means to say that science is a probablity. Stupid objectivists!

I think, Therefore I am

Matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are an imagination of ourselves.

We are the method in which the universe tries to understand itself. Therefore, if we look to understand ourselves, then we shall understand the universe because if we can understand ourselves then we can see how to understand the universe.

by Buck April 30, 2005

567πŸ‘ 170πŸ‘Ž


Universalism aka β€œThe Universal Truth” is the awareness that all things flow together. That all pursuits should be for the good of people to preserve the natural order of existence.

It does not support, nor reject the belief of god(s), but only if it is so, it is a part of The Universal Truth. In regards to religions, all would simply be different paths to the same destination. Universalism is seeing that all humanity and life is connected through a cosmic tapestry of existence for the purpose to exist in harmony with nature.

Universalism tends to favor anything that exists naturally, for example, reincarnation is favorable but not an absolute, because life is born, lives, dies but to only be reborn the next spring as flowers bloom. This pattern can be seen in stars as well. Much so is true with the Universe is true for us on some level. Universalism tends to favor spiritual life as an awareness that can be reborn and the illusion is that only the brain is creating consciousness.

Universalism can be a philosophical truth to atheists as well as religious alike, it's only preference is to those who bring the most freedom, peace and love to others. Universalism endorses free will as long as it does not bring harm to others. The only enemy of Universalism is to destroy what nature has created through evolution.

As far as Universalism is concerned, the meaning of life is to be one with others and to advance supreme happiness on Earth with each other. Being one with all that is

"We are star children, birthed from the stars, so shall we return some day, for which is a Universal Truth of Universalism."

by Roxass December 25, 2009

44πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž