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Thule Air Base

Thule Air Base is a tiny enclave of pseudo-civilization at "The Top of the World" in northernmost Greenland. Made of ice & rock, and featuring 4 months of abominable darkness & 4 months of painfully searing daytime, Thule AB will fuck with your mind more any drug you could find.

You're cold? You weren't at the North fuckin' Pole. Go to Thule Air Base and talk to me again.

by NorthernWoe September 20, 2009


Once he likes you he will definitly be your best friend, literally has the biggest heart and always haves an open ear. Biggest dick you can find, any girl can be lucky. Likes girls with short hair. Very tall and a true gentleman. Everyone likes him, even tho he hates a lot of them. He really likes to make fun of many people, but dont take it personal.Likes oversized hoodies and depressing music. Is done for every crazy shit but also for talking when crying. After all hes a keeper and one of the good ones.

Get yourself a Thule!

by Noturgirlfriend November 21, 2021


to fool around with your male reproductive member (i.e. gooning) until your penile muscles start bleeding.

Keyden: “Dude Marlon-san I tried gooning yesterday you were right”

Marlegro: “Aye my nigga thuling is the new meta now”

by NoWayAroundIt May 13, 2024