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Ur mans uses comic sans

One of the tiers of comebacks used in an intense battle where you or the other person exclaimed ur mom gay to the other. Is said to only be used by masters. Implies a person's man uses the comic sans font.

Carl: ur mom gay
Jeffrey: ur dad lesbian
Carl: ur granny a granny
Jeffrey: don't make me Carl

Carl: u won do it.

Jeffrey: ur mans uses comic sans
*carl starts to melt and erupt into flames*

by I have anudeispedia May 3, 2018

ur mans uses comic sans

One of the tiers of comebacks used in an intense battle where you or the other person exclaimed ur mom gay to the other. Is said to only be used by masters. Implies a person's man uses the comic sans font.

Carl: ur mom gay
Jeffrey: ur dad lesbian
Carl: ur granny a granny
Jeffrey: don't make me Carl

Carl: u won do it.

Jeffrey: ur mans uses comic sans
*carl starts to melt and erupt into flames*

Carl: ur mom gay
Jeffrey: ur dad lesbian
Carl: ur granny a granny
Jeffrey: don't make me Carl

Carl: u won do it.

Jeffrey: ur mans uses comic sans
*carl dies instantly*

by I have anudeispedia May 3, 2018

ur nan a man

Not the worst insult in the universe, however a very bad one considering your nan is now a man. Similar to ur mom gay and ur dad lesbian but falls between ur grandpap a trap and ur sister a mister

Phillip: ur mom gay
Bert: no u
Phillip: ur dad lesbian
Bert: don't make me say it
Phillip: ur granny tranny
Phillip: ur grandpa a trap
Bert: ur nan a man

*An Entire Species Is Wiped Out On Earth*
*Pluto Implodes*

by DrueBoy March 16, 2018

ur nan a man

Use instead of the line: ur mum gay.

person 1: ur mum gay

person 2: no u

person 1: ur nan a man

person 2: *kills self*

by anonymous4206921694202169 May 7, 2018

Ur nan a man

The definition of a black hole. Use this phrase with causion.

Kyle: Ur mom gay
Dave:No u
Kyle: Ur dad lesbian
Dave:Ur granny tranny
Kyle:Ur grandpap a trap
Dave:Ur sister a mister
Kyle: Ur nan a man
*Dave dies and joins Stephen Hawking in heaven*

by Kazi02 March 19, 2018

Ur Mans

A homie or boyfriend


by Somebody bro June 16, 2024