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1. The act of urinating on someone else's, or your own, personal belongings without giving a fuck.

2. An inconsiderate, unlikeable person who irrates and pisses off anyone they come in contact with.

3. An individual who prefers to keep their hygiene products in a freezer, i.e. toothpaste, body wash, shampoo.. etc.

1. Jack: Dude we got so trashed last night, I don't even remember coming back home.
Roger: Yeah I know man, I must have been real drunk because I waltzed all over my bed and chair.

2. Jim: Who the fuck is that new kid that thinks he can say and do whatever the fuck he wants?
Jeff: Your telling me man, nobody likes that mother fucker, what a waltz.

3. Corey: Jason, why does that kid put all of his hygeine shit in the freezer?
Jason: Oh hes a waltz, he thinks that it makes the products more effective.

by Matthew Jefferies February 1, 2008

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Toxic Waltz

1. A metal pride song by the thrash metal band Exodus. Basically Exodus' way of telling everyone in the audience to mosh it up or go home.

2. A term used to describe the act of moshing.

"Here's a new dance craze that's sweepin' the nation! It's called the Toxic Waltz and it's causing devasatation!"

"Kick your friend in the head and have a ball, good friendly violent fun in store for all!"

Ben: Dude, you should have been at the movie theatre last night!
Tom: Why? What happened?
Ben: They wouldn't sell us snacks for less than 5 bucks so we started the Toxic Waltz at the gate!

by J. Arnier May 5, 2007

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floorless waltz

This is the term they use in prison when someone gets hanged.

There were many hangings in Berlin, in which the victims would twitch and jump at the end of a rope...hence, doing the "Spandau Ballet." Also, there were frequent suicides of Nazis being held for trial at the Spandau prison. A hanged person tends to jerk around and "dance" if the death is caused by strangulation (and not a snap) they say. As the years went by it progressed to floorless dance or waltz or the air rumba.

"They found Rosco in his room doing the floorless waltz, the air rumba or some call it the floorless dance."

by lovestosmile January 30, 2010

Carpet Waltzing

One who paces back and forth.
Someone Pacing the floor.

My Husband was up all night last night, carpet waltzing.

by Robert Michael Hensel April 12, 2008

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Toxic Waltz

A good friendly violent fun involving the blood, sweat and tears of sweaty thrashers in the pit.

Jim: Hey you wanna toxic waltz
Tom: What the fu*k is that
Jim: A good friendly violent fun in pi

by Thrashed Serotonin May 16, 2021

Pop Waltz

The act of waltzing to a song that is of the pop genre

I think that JoJo's song The High Road is such a great pop waltz song!

by marstar94 March 4, 2008

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Waltz the Clown

When Waltz was a young lad, he had some issues at home. His mom turned to alcoholism after the death of his dad died to a severe case of monkey cancer. To make matters even worse, Waltz was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at the age of 4. Waltz lived a sad and poor life in Utah as his family owned land to grow cassava beans. Growing up, Waltz was forced to work in the cassava fields for a little pay because his family's business was struggling to keep afloat due to Mr. Marmalade's business across town. He was running Waltz's farm into the ground. With the little money he had saved up from the cassava fields, he went to the traveling circus. When he walked into the tent, the first thing he saw was the clowns. The clown's friendly and welcoming appearance and talent washed all of the pain and suffering of his home life. Waltz thought to himself, "I can be a clown and do the same for other people!" After that day, Waltz was changed forever. He felt like he had found a purpose in life, to become a clown. Waltz dropped out of high school to pursue an education at the Salt Lake City School of Clown Education. Waltz finally felt like he fit in. Everyone was equal. After 4 years of intense schooling, Waltz graduated at the top of his class. Waltz found a job after graduation at The Park. After working at The Park for 2 years, Waltz was hospitalized after he slipped on Sean Spicer's puddle of Dip-n-Dots and busted his head. Waltz died a slow and painful death.

Damn dude, Sean Spicer killed the best accordion clown, Waltz the clown.

by Bameron Booley August 26, 2017

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