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Windows 95

Some crappy operating system that shuts down for no reason, takes up to much disc space, etc. see the Windows 95 sucks movie on 512productions.com

by Anonymous June 1, 2003

40πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

Windows 95

In the game Overwatch, when the character Baptiste uses his ultimate in the wrong situation or completely misplaces it.

Bro this Baptiste is ass, he’s windows 95ed every ultimate.

We got a gold Baptiste, get ready for some Windows 95s.

Baptiste can you switch? You’ve windows 95ed bare.

by doncristo November 1, 2019

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windows 95

used to refer to an annoying old person. It is similar in meaning to "grandpa"/"grandma", usually exclaimed in frustration or anger.

"WTF? Windows 95 over there keeps putting candies in the tip jar."

by truthorderrida November 10, 2013

70πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Windows 95 shit

Definition 1: A website or software that is stuck in the mid early 90's. It features outdated styles using HTML 2, robot voice, 256 colors, smothered in gifs, raping your with MIDI ringtones, amongst other things.
Probably is run by a person who killed themselves because it hasn't be updated in 2 decades.

Definition 2: The Creation Engine

Definition 3: A slow computer

Example 1: I hate internet explorer, What is this Windows 95 shit?

by Chevyman95 August 1, 2019

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Windows 95

Windows 95 is a OS created by Microsoft in 1995.
It has to many OSR's

Start multitasking. Begin with Windows 95.

by WindowsNt351S January 14, 2024

Windows 95 Tips

A site about making edits to Windows 95 help messages. Usually contain surreal or disturbing phrases such as β€œThere is nowhere you can run.” Parodied in Windows 93 and on some YouTube videos. Here’s the link:

Windows 95 Tips has some weird, but very cool ideas on it.

by Kopper0625 December 30, 2020