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Yung Advance

15 year old Artist from New Jersey with over 100k streams.

Yung Advance is an upcoming artist that dropped his new single ''Top''

by DopeShitMan May 5, 2021

25๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gameboy Advance

AKA : the triumphant return of the Super Nintendo!

"The GBA is 32-bit, but the games remind me of the glorious ol' days of the Super Nintendo....^_^ ^_^ ^_^ "

by Dave June 14, 2004

82๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

advanced unity

advanced unity is the best ship to ever exist, they are what happens when best friends fall in love with eachother. they talk to eachother every day and are always goofy together. they are always the prettiest couple in the room and they always make everyone say โ€œdamn bro, i wish i had a relationship like thatโ€. they are always there for eachother and love eachother unconditionally. they would kiss each other any chance they get and they are deeply and permanently in love. K+A <3

โ€œdamn there goes them cuties with advanced unity , i really wish i had true love like that. Thatโ€™s that if SZA, j.cole, and giveon made a song together type beautyโ€

by fresh and fly, gotta be kai February 18, 2021

Advanced boring

probably the conference call you're on right now

Holy shit this meeting with the Bob's is advanced boring

by supaflysnooka April 15, 2020

Advanced Darkness

Darkness so dark that your flashlight will probably explode, and THAT won't even give off any light.

"This isn't your average everyday darkness, this is....ADVANCED Darkness!"

by Legener July 19, 2017

18๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

advance wars

A turn-based military strategy game for the Gameboy Advance. The game has a tile-and grid system, where each tile contains a type of terrain, such as plains, woods, or rivers. Each tile has special properties. Units and building facilities are placed on the map, where armies battle it out. The objective is to either destroy all enemy units or capture the enemy headquarters. The story, or "campaign" mode, pits the 4 countries of Wars World (Orange Star, Blue Moon, Yellow Comet, and Green Earth) to defeat the invading alien Black hole army led by Sturm. One thing that makes this game a lot more fun is a map designer. Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising was later released on the Gameboy Advance in 2003 and included a new unit: the Neotank, an extremely powerful tank. Both games are decsendants of the Japan-only Famicom Wars, Gameboy Wars, and Super Famicom Wars series.

The map designer is the number one reason why Advance Wars 2 is one of my favorite video games of all time.

by Party Pooper March 8, 2005

79๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Advanced Placement

a course option more challenging for high school students to enroll in.
this option means you will endure a whole year of hell (and most likely summer homework).

Don't take an Advanced Placement class! You will hate yourself for a whole year and life is too short for that.

by JojoGogo August 11, 2015

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