ALLEGEDLY! Russell Brand is ALLEGEDLY a little girl rapist.
Hym "I just want to ammend my previous statements by mentioning that Russell Brand is only ALLEGEDLY a little girl rapist. ALLEGEDLY! I also have no way of knowing how you are actually seeing this because as I've said before I don't have access to whatever medium you're using to view this (assuming (of course) the YOU can somehow view the content that doesn't get published) and therefore cannot slander or defame with intent as (for all I know) I'm shouting into the void and am talking to myself BECAUSE I'M A FUCKING 'SCHIZOPHRENIC' APPARENTLY. ALLEGEDLY a little girl raping junkie who YOU have been platforming and associating with for years. I (on the otherhand) have associated with ZERO rapists. So there's that."
A fucking gaggle of idiots "BuT i DiDn'T kNoW hYm!"
Hym "Yeah, what DID you know fuck-face!?"
more off the subliminal bullshit allegedly, all brainwashing
conveying that something is claimed, or to say without evidence and or proof. commonly to claim of something occurring.
he allegedly partook in the spread of obscene material on the internet.
used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is no proof.
Charlie Bernet ALLEGEDLY touched my weewee in Copenhagen