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animal rights activist

People who respect every living creature on this earth.No they dont value the life of a human more than a cat they are both equal sentenint beings that deserve to live.Some of the definitions here are so fucking clueless.By the light of me I cannot fathom how some of these idiots think that what some stupid religios book says goes.You have no right to think that you are better than something just because you're believes tell you.Of coarse I would bomb fur farms.You asswipes have no right to kill animals for thier fur especially since we have more fabrics that dont require animals.By the way fuckers I donate both to animal shelters and to poor starving children in africa what have you idiots done?Sit on you're fatasses and complain about animal rights and how we should worry about other things?Oh well I guess some fat idiot eating 4 double bacon cheesburgers daily that lives in kentucky knows better huh?

Damn right I would bomb a fur farm what?Im bad just because I want to protect an animal from being explioted and killed just so some rich fuck can have an unneccesary fur coat?Animal rights activist are doing the right thing.

by Chickenwing21 February 20, 2007

116👍 205👎

animal rights activist

One who is aware of other animals as life, and work actively to secure their rights as any living being is entitled to.

The rabbit and deer feed coyotes and wolves, who have babies, too.

by Respect All Life July 20, 2005

94👍 165👎

animal rights activist

Too many of these definitions are completely illogical and incorrect, and i am going to set it all straight.
An animal rights activist is a person who actually cares about the malicious and unjust torture that happens to countless animals species. Abuse happens in all places, and is caused by careless companies, and sick-minded individuals who take their ghastly fantasies and frustration out on creatures who have nothing to give but love and companionship. animals are tortured in many forms, cosmetics testing, detergent testing, shelters, circuses, domestic, farm, slaughterhouses, fur trade, and by hunters. ANIMAL RIGHTS ACTIVISTS ARE AMAZING PEOPLE WHO ARE STRONG ENOUGH TO LIVE A LIFE FULL OF ANIMAL/CRUELTY FREE PRODUCTS. BEING AN ANIMAL RIGHTS ACTIVIST IS AN EXTREMELY HARD THING TO DO IN THIS DAY AND AGE. HAVE SOME RESPECT, BECAUSE YOU DONT HAVE THE MENTAL STRENGTH, AND THE HEART TO DO WHAT THEY DO.


normal person: "your so stupid, why do u care about animals? they're only born so we can eat them, wear them, and kill them for fun. As long as i can get my big mac at the end of the day, i'm happy"

Animal rights activist: "thats just about the most ignorant, selfish, and simple minded thing i've ever heard. As you were speaking i think i actually heard a few of my brain cells die. I'm leaving before you open your mouth again, i could never live with myself being even close to as dumb as you are"

by greenandgreener April 21, 2010

67👍 306👎

Animal Rights activist

A practice & philosophy of compassion to all animals & to stop cruelty to them based off human exploitation........nothing more, nothing less. The rest is off-shoot branches of the movement that differ in method to achieve the objectives & what constitutes exploitation (see veganism etc).

Usually hits a nerve with people who aren't animal rights activists & makes them feel uncomfortable & so they slander the movement often without being informed, instead basing their opinions on stereotypes.

The Animal rights activist movement has been around for centuries in some form & can be seen in the philosophies of Kant, Rousseau, Bentham, Thoreau, I.B Singer, Voltaire, Schweitzer & many many more

There will be no justice as long as man will stand with a knife or with a gun and destroy those who are weaker than he is. ~Isaac Bashevis Singer

by dumguy1dumguy2 May 14, 2011

94👍 97👎

Animal Rights Activist

A person who speaks for those who can't speak for themselves(animals), fights for those who can't fight for themselves and defend for those who can't defend themselves.

He is an animal rights activist, he saves innocent lives everyday and he is a Vegan too.

by Veggie for Life April 21, 2006

137👍 210👎