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Any one honey
Pronounced (eh-knee-one-knee)

Ex) You’re not fooling anyone honey= You’re not fooling anyone

by therealslimshady567 April 4, 2022

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

anyone's guess

To be of a questionable nature; something uncertain.

1) Exactly how someone as disorganized and ill-tempered as Joe got the job is anyone's guess.

by VAKI5 May 10, 2005

17πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Is Anyone Up

A site in which you go to see your friends naked or go to see certain band members naked. You can rate and comment on the posts.

Also features Gnargoyles. Warning: These can be dangerous and may cause a sensation of puking and/or nightmares.

Isanyoneup.com was started by Hunter Moore, who in his own words, is a professional life-ruiner.

It is highly recommended that you should be 18 when viewing this website.

I saw you on Is Anyone Up last night, we are no longer friends.

by graciebugg July 3, 2011

144πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž

Anyone BUT Trump

The global sigh of relief generated in the comforting realization that the criminal-in-chief has been denied a second term.

The world just realized that it's not just that Biden was elected President that feels so good; it's that the highest office in the land will be occupied by Anyone BUT Trump, the worst fucking President in recorded history.

by YAWA November 9, 2020

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Mr anyone

A poggers streamer and he is very cool and poggers and ava is michael enjoyer and michael is a simp, ethan anyone is the hero we needed

Mr anyone is poggers

by Ethgreninja October 25, 2022

Anyone for Pimms?

Used to be funny generally and break awkward silences by referencing the British TV advert about the posh drink Pimms.
Also used in football as a way of asking team-mates if you should shoot yet. (The answer being "Pimms o' clock!!!" or "not yet")
Occasionaly administers as a chat up line.

Jake: My Nan's just died...
Tony: Anyone for Pimms?


Tom: Hey Stuart, meet my friend John.
Stuart: Anyone for Pimms? (while smiling broadly and shaking his hand)


James: Anyone for Pimms? (while dribbling in a football match)
Dan: Pimms O' Clock!
(James shoots at goal)


(Ben sits alone at a bar and a girl sits next to him)
Ben: Anyone for Pimms?! (he shouts loudly at her)

by Jimbozi July 14, 2008

5πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

tennis anyone?

What rich, spoiled, white people say with a sweater wrapped around their neck holding a tennis racket before a round of tennis

Jennifer: Where is Cory at?
Cory: I'm right here...I was at daddys house helping him decide whether to take the Mercedes out or the Bentley for a drive.....Awwww...I'm so exhausted snookums........tennis anyone?....

by Shredder salad225 August 25, 2011

5πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž