Source Code

Booty call

The origin of Booty Call dates back to the times of Cowboys and Indians.

Alan : You see Jake, in the old west, cowboys could be out on the dusty range for months at a time, and they get mighty dirty. So they'd mosey into town with nothing but the clothes on their backs, and they'd need to wash them. So what they'd do is, they'd go down to the creek, and strip down until they were wearing nothing but their boots.

Charlie: Why'd they keep their boots on?

Alan: Rattlesnakes. Anyways, in order to warn people that were swimming that a naked cowboy was on his way, he would yell, or, if you will, call, "Booty! Booty!" Ergo, the Booty Call.

Kandi: Wow Alan, you really make history fun.

Alan: Well, thank you.

Kandi: So when did it start meaning casual sex?

by fourfourbulldog July 20, 2012

411πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž

booty calling

Booty calling is when you call your girlfriend/hooker for sex, or sex and sleep over.

*Booty calling a girl*
Maor: I am so horny, wanna give me that booty, and chill after?
Stranger/girlfriend: Mhmm.. Sure, I will be there in 10, should I bring protection?

by HodedaBiceps December 31, 2016

47πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

booty call

(noun)a phonecall,page,or conversation aimed at getting into your pants.Not an invite to a movie or dinner, not just coffee, not a casual or formal get-together, just a plain old-fashioned "let's fuck"

I woke at 4 a.m. with a massive hard-on. I picked up the phone and gave Ruthie a booty call. I wanted to mount her so very, very much. I had it REAL bad !

by Jake January 15, 2004

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booty call

A call for sex.

I was mad horny, so I gave my boyfriend a booty call.

by sssara February 4, 2003

4057πŸ‘ 2048πŸ‘Ž

booty call

Calling someone up to come over and get hanky panky and dirrrrty.

My roomate doesn't have a boyfriend, but last night she got a booty call and came back an hour later with a smile on her face.

Source: Kristi, Jan 3, 2005

by Kristi January 4, 2005

2032πŸ‘ 1108πŸ‘Ž

booty call

booty call:

Main Entry: booΒ·ty call
Pronunciation: \ˈbΓΌ-tΔ“ΛˆkΘ―l\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural booty calls
Etimology – From the Latin, Booticus Callmypatheticassupus
Date: Late 21st century

1 : A clandestine or casual meeting to indulge sexual urges, devoid of any meaningful social engagement. Typically occurring between the hours of 12-4am, subsequent to one party becoming inebriated or failing to secure sexual relations with a more appealing partner(s).

2 : Disparaging title for the lesser of two unequal partners in a booty call relationship; typically this individual does not realize or accept that the relationship is limited to a booty call. Often called a fuck buddy.

1 : I don't wanna taker her out, just hook up a booty call.
2 : No, we're not dating; she's just a booty call.

by Bulrog September 27, 2009

557πŸ‘ 295πŸ‘Ž


1. noun: a person with whom one has sex at random times outside of a relation ship. 2. verb: the act of calling said person. 3. noun: the term used to refer to said phone call.

1. jessica is my boody-call. 2. i booty-called jessica last night. 3. jessica got a booty-call from me last night.

by g. olivia douglas February 5, 2004

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