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A country that had Diet Coke from 2000 to 2013. Then it got replaced by Coke Zero.

Bulgaria is a very poor country.

Bulgarians miss Diet Coke. That's why they move to Turkey or Greece; there's Diet Coke there.

by TidePodIngebrigtsen69 November 27, 2016

42๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A piece of land, populated by people with absolutely no deep psychological issues, who are not neurotic at all. Also a land, populated by the most well-educated people. Every single bulgarian knows everything about history, football, women/men, advanced geopolitics, investing in cryptocurrency, psychology, medicine, conspiracies, religion...you name it - they know it. An excellent environment for upbringing children, if you wish them not to become ignorant, oblivious, 1-dimensional and genuinely stupid alcoholics and/or heroin junkies. The pinnacle of human evolution. Only quality content in there.

"Why is that boy acting so weird? Is he from Bulgaria?"

"Oh, yeah, I once went to that shitty place. What was it called? Bulgaria?"

"Dude, last night I had sex with that godly girl! She's so stupid and profane, but she's a thunderstorm in bed!"
"Oh, you mean that chick from Bulgaria? Yeah, she's a dumb whore!"

by Chad Broski Maximum April 29, 2022

296๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


yah who ever in his life has visited bulgaria will know that although its government...well...sucks it still is the best in DA WORLD it has beautiful women and kind people.Beautiful sea and lovely mountains(bansko)so don't spaek shitty things about it like:
"When I went to bulgaria, I got 5 different veneral diseases. There are no places to buy condoms, for, when the Russians tried to bring them, they were shot on sight." because this is allllllll false a big lie-try to enjoy your time and be sure to visit one of the centre schools in the capital-Sofia-viz."7-th school,Sv. Sedmochislenitsi" :)))

have fun and come again to Bulgaria

by mur(marlena):P May 3, 2006

438๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž


A country where at 15 you can find weed in 10 minutes, but not buy Monster at Billa.

Bulgaria is shit!

by UrMomGayLmaoooo December 29, 2021

88๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


A country founded in 681 and been fucking Byzantines, Greeks, Serbians, Turks, and other kinds of shit since then (we got fucked up during the world wars but that doesn't matter) , the country is famous for its beautiful women (the most beautiful in the world), the rakiya ( very strong alcohol that only bulgarians can drink, if you are a foreigner, don't drink it, it will kill you ), and the yoghurt. Bulgarians struggle to survive because of the lack of money, but I fucking love it.

"I went to Bulgaria last year. It was great except for the black guys that robbed me and fucked me in the ass, I think tha cops called them "lainqni mangali""

by Simo April 24, 2005

1466๐Ÿ‘ 674๐Ÿ‘Ž


A beautiful country that has a lot of history and culture. It may not be the most prosperous when is comes to economics but that does not define it's natural wonders and wonderful people. If you can look past the fact that it is not the richest country in the world, then you are in for a treat. There are beautiful mountains, beaches, and places for nature lovers. You can visit the monistaries if you want to see the culture and history. If you want shopping and clubbing, just go to the capital (Sofia) and you will find more than what you need. I am Bulgarian and even though I now live in the USA nothing could replace the wonders of Bulgaria for me. It's a cultural nation even if it is not presented as so by others. Yes, there are gypsies who live there, but that is no different from the gangs and homeless of the USA. It is known in legends and myths as the nation that must be 'a little piece of heaven'. Keep that in mind before you judge!

"Bulgaria is a wonderous nation!"

by L.Cypher January 29, 2009

543๐Ÿ‘ 214๐Ÿ‘Ž


The illest county in the world yo. Beautiful girls, beaches and crazy parties.

Yo man i didnt no Bulgaria was the shit.

by mNeo December 30, 2005

797๐Ÿ‘ 324๐Ÿ‘Ž