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one that never has any bud, but is constantly high

"He's bein a billa"

by DLOC420 September 18, 2007

38👍 30👎


To describe someone who is doing something annoying, idiotic or otherwise lame.

Oh for god sake stop being such a billa!

by SomeUnusedUsername September 9, 2005

22👍 43👎


It's a name of an hispanic person who is normally friendly and fun but who cannot be trusted on being there on time. He will be promising on and on but at the end he wont show up.

Friend 1:Hey man, where is Billa? We need him for the next game! Not again!

by Zempire October 22, 2020

4👍 2👎

Flipped The Boppa Billa

Referring to someone talking trash about somebody

Jordan flipped the boppa billa on you

by Blickblackbllllll February 25, 2022

billa butt


that billa poop from billa butt

by billa boi December 4, 2021

Flipped The Boppa Billa

Referring to someone talking mess about some one

Jordan Flipped The Boppa Billa on you

by Blickblackbllllll February 25, 2022


the n word for white people

what up my billa

by maplecookie_s September 21, 2024