slang popularized by cyberpunk
(A friend)
(A friendly person)
(Kind person in general)
"Just came from the park met a couple chooms"
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Aye get that choom yet? psh..I've been getten choom for days
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1. The loud crashing, whooshing sound made when water is thrown on a fire or something else which is very hot, also resulting in a large poof of steam.
2. Can also be used to describe any similar sound - kind of a POOF! or a WHOOMPH! type o' thing.
1. You know, Im thinkin o' makin some smores. Any o' youse gonna want so <CHOOM!!!> WOAH shit guys! I think the tide's comin in!
2. You know, Im thinkin o' makin some smores. Any o' youse gonna want so <CHOOM!!!> WOAH shit guys! My hand just exploded!
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Verb: to Vommit, Puke, or Barf. It also resembles the sound one makes when barfing.
noun: Vommit.
"Drinking that bottle of ipecac was a bad idea, now I'm gonna CHOOM!"
"I told you not to eat that! Now you got choom all over evrything!"
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"Pass me the Choom Choom"
"Have you seen the Choom Choom?"
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