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Cold Sore

The most annoying motherfuckers you'll have on your lip.
People who've never had them in their life should consider themselves lucky. You'll think you're good because you haven't had one in a long time but as soon as you think that, one of these fuckers will unexpectedly grow on your lip. As soon as you feel that absurd bump you better act quick or else the bastard will grow bigger and more nastier. They take 1-2 weeks to go away and they always seem to pick the worst times to appear.

Person 1: Dude, what is that on your lip?
Person 2: A cold sore
Person 1: Oh, I never get those
Person 2: Lucky Bastard

by (^’.’)> hello! February 23, 2018

3👍 1👎

Cold Sore

Another way to say oral herpes.

Mary: What's that?
John: It's just a cold sore.
Mary: We should see other people.

by coldsoreman August 8, 2012

27👍 43👎

cold sore curtain

A large mustache.

Sam Elliot sure has a wicked cold sore curtain.”

by Timothy McHeyyy April 12, 2022

Cold Sores

Girls or guys who have herpes...

ooooh you got herpes...


by Ghost Aiden February 10, 2019

cold sore

an excuse for herpes

guy: it's cold sores i promise
girl: no, that looks like herpes
guy: FML

by drivingmorans123 April 19, 2021