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relating to the times when people visit their convict spouses in jail for the sole purpose of having sex, doing the deed, taking a vacation down south

After the eighteenth conjugal visit in two months, Al Capone's wife decided he just wasn't worth it and filed for a restraining order.

by Al Capone February 26, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž


To have sexual intercourse...sometimes to music. A term of exclamation used to tell someone you just had sex.

The term comes from the song Killer Queen, where it sounds like Freddie Mercury says, "Little man from China, who conjuagtes vagina."

1. MAN,I just conjugated that...GIGGETY GIGGETY GIGGETY
2. I was up till 3 last night conjugating

by Delta T December 15, 2005

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The "unlearned" way of saying congregate.

Excuse me fellas, but I'm gunna have to ask you guys to conjugate over there.

by paperbagman January 14, 2008

4๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.V; To properly pronounce words, and form Sentances; Usually applied to speech, but may be used for typed communication.

Joe conjugated his words so poorly, that i had to ask him to repeat what he said.

by Bookworm February 5, 2005

4๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

conjugally invite

to solicit participation in an activity for the purposes of fucking the invitee

mike conjugally invited jeff to invest in his company

bernard madoff conjugally invited many prominent jews

by investor February 18, 2009

canoe conjugals

Mass produced beers such as Coors, Miller and Budweiser. Usually associated with the light version of the beers.

Coors and Miller are like making love in a canoe.
It's f*cking close to water.

"Bar owner fined for selling Coors as Miller, didn't think his customers would be able to tell the difference between two types of cheap canoe conjugals"

by Mondak May 25, 2007

conjugal visit

Among the only opportunities a hard-time prisoner would have to engage in sexual relations or intimate visitation with one of the opposite sex (usually his/her spouse). Does not always have a sexual connotation, but in this case, it almost always does.

Of or relating to the marital relationship or to the relationship between a wife and husband.

"No more conjugal visits until we find out who killed Percy"

by Mr C. December 12, 2003

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