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Containment Board

A place to put threads for irritating users while still respecting their freedom to have discussions, it could be a clubhouse or a quarantine.

q: Do you want to talk about Trump?
a: No, go back to your Containment Board!

by Supellex_ November 8, 2017

contained randomness

1.an organized cult of enlightened individuals who have mastered the art of containing even the most extreme influences of humour without showing the slightest sign of and expression

2.performing acts of randomness that is difficult to notice as it is performed very quickly, and is undetectable as the person(s), contain there laughter, no matter how extreme the humour

"damn rorz, you are the jedi of contained randomness, how do you do it?"

by Rorz n Wilde December 2, 2004

Containment Breach

1. A release of excrement from a faulty or overloaded child's diaper.

2. A term used to describe a fart that has escaped all attempts to keep it contained under a comforter or blanket.

"It was a real nightmare, we had a major containment breach, our boys diaper failed to hold and we had to throw out his pants."

"Hold your nose there's been a containment breach. I could not hold it"

by nycesq February 23, 2009

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container ass

Container ass is used to describe an ass that only looks good because of the pants being worn. The definition works two ways in that the ass only looks good when in a container (pants) and the pants contain(h)er ass.

Damn, she has a hot ass! Yea, but take off the pants and I'll bet it's a container ass.

by www.analdoesntcount.com October 10, 2007

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Douche Container

a vessel in which you store you douche contents

Example: yo that person is such a Douche Container
example 2: your moms vagina

by Yelsew T-Wreckya March 3, 2010

Container Ass

An ass which is only good when viewed in a container, such as jeans. Otherwise it is a big old jiggly ass.

"Man her ass looks real nice in them jeans"
"Dude, its probably just a container ass"

by Deaoay Omtay September 27, 2007

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big container

A game started in Gainesville, where you fill up any "big container" (some people play with pitchers at a bar, or big bowls, etc.) and the first person starts chugging out of the "big container" while everyone chants (starting slow and getting faster) BIG CON-TAIN-ER!!! then when that person chugs as much as they can they pass it on.

When the USF girls came to Gainesville, some of the boys of SAE asked them if they wanted to play big container, gave them a pitcher and told them to start chugging as they all chanted BIG CON-TAIN-ER and got the bar to rage as everyone got drunk!

by girlgirlgirlgirlgirl September 17, 2010

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