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A dick-in-a-box is guy's big boner stuck through a hole in a gift-box and gift-wrapped to give your cocksucker for Christmas.

My boyfriend gave me dick-in-a-box for Christmas!

by USAF Cadet October 12, 2020

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Dick in a Box

The best Halloween costume ever. Guy, in a box, acting like a dick.

Guy: What tha hell are you supposed 2B?
Girl: I'm an angel.
Guy: You have to be the ugliest angel i've ever seen.
Girl: Oh, yah well what are you?
Guy: Can't you tell, i'm a Dick in a Box!

by VirginxOuija October 21, 2009

40๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dick in a Box

When the male genitals also known as penis, cock, cockswain, rooster, dick predicament, doodle, projectile, willy, putz, phallus, pee pee, wee wee, prick, private part, wang, wiener,mojo, etc dick. A Dick in a Box, commonly occurs when the male penis is detached from the balls and positioned with great care and precision into a box, as long as the lid is placed on the box it will be named under the term Dick in a Box.

When Mr Cockup died his will pacifically specified that his dick was to be detached from his balls and preserved as a Dick in a Box for later generations, "it seems that a Dick in a Box is a common think these days.

by YoBro July 11, 2013

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Dick in a box

When you cut a hole in a box and shove your wing wong ching chong in it

Wow that freak ezio just put a dick in a box

by Its time to stop March 29, 2016

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dick in the box

A dick in the box is a gift you give your sweetheart for any celebration.

Ex:(Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa even Birthdays)
This is one present your honey will definitely love and enjoy. Here's how you do it:

One: cut a hole in the box
Two: stick your junk in that box
Three: make her open the box

Inspire by the Justin Timberlake song: "Dick in the Box"

Congratulations you now know what to get your darling for those times you forget to get her something.

Honey I know it's our anniversary but if it helps I got you my dick in the box!

by ArcadianSnowdrop October 29, 2014

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Dick n a box

a priceless gift to give your girl on any occasion.
1. cut a hole in the box
2. Put your junk in the box
3. Make her open the box

dude: i need a gift for my girl
Friend: just pull the dick n a box she will love it.

by Leonidis July 11, 2008

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Celebrity Dick in a Box

A hit game-show on independent South Wales TV. The show consists of male celebrities taking turns to see how long they can support a medium sized budweiser box on their erect penises.

"Hello, this is Nelson Mandela and you're watching celebrity dick in a box!"

"I'm Sir Alan Sugar and you're watching celebrity dick in a bloody box!"

Good day my name is Archbishop Rowan Williams and you've been watching celebrity dick in a box

by ***Welshy*** September 13, 2010

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