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Gibberish invented by dickless international corporate cocksuckers to disparage the few people left in the world who are capable of thinking for themselves.

Bob: That guy on twitter just posted something Disney might not approve of.

Carol: What an edgelord!

by BigBadMrReality September 15, 2022

37๐Ÿ‘ 119๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone that takes either takes nothing seriously or takes everything seriously.

Edgelord type 1:

This guy takes NOTHING seriously, he makes a lot of jokes about horrible events of the past, such as 9/11 the Holocaust, etc. Usually they arent that funny as they purely rely on shock value as a punchline.
In real life, they are usually pretty nice people who want to make people (and themselves) laugh, they usually are pretty chill and do take things seriously IRL unlike Edgelord type 2.

Edgelord type 2: This dude takes EVERYTHING seriously, he will yell at you if you fail, he will yell at you if you arent funny, if you dont think like him, he fucking hates you.
In real life, they take NOTHING seriously, he hates his life, he hates his dead end job, he hates his parents, he hates his house. Usually has a mental condition such as low functioning autism, ADHD, depression etc.
Is also really overweight due to the fact that he does nothing but sit inside his house all day (kinda like me) and nothing else.

Edgelord 1: Bruh why didnt they just make the Twin towers out of obsidian

Dude: Not funny, didnt laugh


Dude: Bro, i get that you like the game and shit, but can you chill for a bit?

by buddy retard June 19, 2020

10๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


cool kids who like to sit on the edge of building on nice days instead of going to class.

Wow, did you see Karina and Daniella sitting outside of the library? They were super edgelords today

by skeezydanit February 11, 2019

25๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person that is a master at the act of edging. This is a gender-neutral title. This can also derogatorily be used to describe a "cock tease" or for someone who is very fond of edging during sexual activities.

I got it on with Samantha last night, she brought me up to the brink of cumming, so many times til I finally came all over the place. She's such an edgelord.

by magrathea July 20, 2017

40๐Ÿ‘ 175๐Ÿ‘Ž



Tries (and fails) to randomly insert edgy shock value content (often in the forms of extreme nihilism, feigned sociopathy, and all-around pisspoor attempts to look cool and brooding when he wants attention) into conversations either edgy content or he himself has no part in, or otherwise does so randomly because he feels the conversation is dead and he wants attention to be focused on him for a change.

Talks a big game and tries very hard to one-up anyone who (rightly) gives him grief for acting like an idiot, but seems to fail at it every single time because he lacks the spine and stomach to uphold or otherwise back up any of the crap he spews.

Probably does all of this in an ongoing and vain attempt to make others miserable with shock value, so as to bring them down to whatever level of misery he likely deals with. If he can successfully do this, then someone's as equally miserable as he seems to be AND he'll have the "superiority" at having brought them down there all on his own. Ergo, it all looks to be an attempt to feed into his ego so that he can feel a bit better about himself.

Would probably be a swell dude if he wasn't trying way too hard to be a Nietzsche wannabe, but he doesn't seem willing or able to examine whatever personal flaws he has in his system and overcome them despite having the exact problems explained to him on multiple occasions. Really a shame, all things considered.

Goteph is a tryhard edgelord who really needs to get it through his head that nobody's impressed or shocked at his antics.

by D9AC November 5, 2017

369๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone very insecure about who they are that they must at all times appear to be 'edgy' with shock value in order to stay relevant. This often means someone who thinks excessive violence and guns are cool, plays way too much GTA and goes out of their way to be an annoying hipster douchebag, often excusing their pretty disgusting selfish behaviour and toxic conceited attitudes by quoting "Beyond Good and Evil" by Neitzsche. They will also find other Edgelords to create cliques with in order to maintain their comfortable Groupthink dynamics and will malign those who do not share their miserable hipster world view.

The most toxic of all Edgelords is an Edgelord Boss. This is someone fortunate enough to have significant power in an organisation due to their Edgelordliness, meaning that any possibility of introspection or change is zero. Working for an Edgelord Boss is the most soul destroying thing you can do in life, and they can often be found sucking the life out of the music, film and videogame industries. It is advised to seek alternative employment if you find yourself working for an Edgelord, or cabal of Edgelords.

The key difference between an Edgelord and Punk is sincerity. Many Edgelords are Faux-Punk because it's a way to make a lot of money selling offensive counter-culture products to young naive adults.

The videogame character Shadow The Hedgehog is the best example of the redundant Edgelord mentality.

"I play videogames like School Shooter and GTA, obsessed with guns and I quote Nietzsche but deep down I'm a cynical corporate pawn with no spine. I am an insufferable Edgelord."

by yourworstestnightmare June 18, 2018

149๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž


Commonly describes a person on the internet who seemingly goes out of their way to be as polarizing as possible without adding any substance or reason. For example, people who frequently share "offensive" memes and intentionally use racial slurs outside of their own race (read: white people). Usually, this behavior can be explained as a psychological need for attention in a place where they can remain anonymous and not be personally held accountable for their activities. Such activities can be more innocent in nature, but most edgelords rely on shock value and pretentiousness to satisfy an unbalanced ego or past neglect. Attempts to "go against the grain" or appear "non-conformist" are universal criteria. As such, feelings of cringe may be experienced.

Edgelords can also be found outside of the internet, albeit with much more public scrutiny.

"Keemstar is such an edgelord that he can cut diamonds with his teeth."

by ThatHandleIsAlreadyInUseDude January 14, 2018

143๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž