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exclamation point

the sprinkles on the ice cream sunday of punctuation. used to make something interesting, to express interest, to show emotion, excitement, anger, add emphasis, and make names really cool; the actual term may be used when someone makes an excellent point-possibly even causing you to make a realization

Me: Can you believe Charl!e did that?!!
Pat: No i can't! I'm so mad!!! someone has to tell him!
Me: exclamation point!

by WantFriesWithThat January 3, 2011

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Double Exclam

Originally coined by chess master Danny Rensch, double exclam is a suffix to any outstanding move, chess or otherwise. It is sometimes said as "double exclamaviotch."

Person A: Pawn to g4, double exclam!
Person B: You really suck at chess

by Laddy Jesus March 14, 2019

exclamation conundrum

The rule of thumb regarding the amount of exclamation marks that are accepted by society. You are permitted to use one, three, five, seven or more exclamation marks.

Boyfriend texts: Oh my God!!
Girlfriend replies: Dude follow the Exclamation Conundrum!!!!!

by Shadestag October 19, 2013

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

exclamation marks

Also refereed to as "wet patches" or "sweat patches", Exclamation Marks are the shape of sweat patches that ladies usually leave on a plastic chair or a rubber floor when sitting for an extended amount of time. This is because the heat extracted from the leg skin and inner crack gets trapped and sits between the end of the crack and the middle of the upper thighs - since the thighs are almost placed together just leaving a bit of room. This leaves a mark of sweat on the chair in the shape of an exclamation mark because it is conveying the shape of the ladies crack, upper thighs and lower ass. Some ladies are seen sliding off their chairs instead of getting up straight away in order to wipe away the exclamation mark before anyone else (preferably the boyfriend) sees.

Another reason for this is that when girls are with their boyfriends they get nervous and start to sweat on their upper thighs, therefore leaving a mark in the shape of an exclamation mark.

Example One:
Girl one: Holy crap I was so nervous when Jim took me out to dinner, and because I was so nervous I left a massive exclamation mark on the chair! I sure hope he didn't notice.

Girl two: I know what you mean, I hate plastic chairs because I'm always leaving exclamation marks on them! Why can't these places just buy normal chairs with Cotton Covers, that would help out so much because there are so many girls who have to deal with this problem!

Example two:
(On a sign at a fancy restaurant)
Lady members visiting the restaurant are reminded to place towels on the chairs before sitting down, in order to avoid leaving Exclamation Marks.

Thank you.

Have a nice day.

Signed: The Committee.

by WhatsherfaceBBQ July 14, 2009

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exclamation comma

Similar to an exclamation mark but the sentence may be continued afterwards.

This is W00tage!, dude haha

by Fizzio May 8, 2005

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Exclamation letters

The act of capitalizing all of the letters in a sentence.

"dude, bre keeps using exclamation letters in her text messages. It makes my eyes Burn just reading it. "

by Cally4nia June 19, 2009

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premature exclamation

When one received a blank text message from a friend. Similar to a premature ejaculation, this premature exclamation occurs when they are just so excited to be having a text that they shoot one off prematurely.

"You sent me a blank text."
"Sorry, i got excited and shot out a premature exclamation. I swear, it's never happened to me before. LOL"

by goyemanx June 26, 2009

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