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Term for two people who are friends, but have wild uninhibited sex with no strings attached. Derived from the combination of "friends" and "sex", frexing is desirable amongst two people that are attracted to each other but share a mutual non-interest in dating. Frexing frees you from dating type obligations such as spending the night, calling the next day, sending flowers, leaving notes or faking interest when there is none. Usually initiated via late night drunken sex messaging or a made up reason to get together.

John: What did you do yesterday?
Jim: Oh, I was hanging out with Carla for a while
John: Carla? Are you guys dating?
Jim: Nah we're just frexing
John: Nice

(via SMS)
John: Hey Carla, you want to swing by my place later for some frexing?
Carla: Sure, see you at 5!

by KenoCab January 20, 2010

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-An ex-friend.

-Describes someone who used to be your friend, but who you can no longer label as such.

I have a frex who once stole my English homework and passed it as her own.

by scruffedup April 3, 2009

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An Ex who you're still friends with (friend + ex)

You do NOT hookup, that's a Sexfrex

"We're not getting back together- he's just my frex"

"I got really grunk last night and my frex turned into my sexfrex... whoops"

by OSUgirls February 24, 2014

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An Ex that is still a friend.

see "frexy"

Girl 1: "So I hung out with my ex the other day.."
Girl 2: "Oh man.. that must have been awkward.."
Girl 1: "No! no! we're still friends! :)"
Girl 2: "Oh! so he's your frex! that clears things up."

by thepubgirls. February 1, 2010

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Deleting friends from your Facebook friend list.

Friend- exing

Suzie didn't even say hi to me when she passed me on her way to class. I'm so frexing her.

by FBfrexer January 28, 2011

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When you are friends with your ex.

My frexes and I took the kids to dinner.

by heartsick August 5, 2014


an ex who is now your friend. s/he/they can’t really be called a β€œfriend” because you were in a sexual/romantic relationship. it is definitely possible to have great FREXSHIP with a person after dating, but the term β€œfriend” doesn’t cover it. frex explains it all.

once upon a time, dave and i were engaged but now he is my frex, and its so much better!

by flo floodbottom April 16, 2021