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Glastonbury is a market town situated in the Mendip hill, in the County of Somerset in Western england. The supposed location of the mythical Isle of Avalon, something of a magnet for crystal waving new-agers and serious pagans alike.
NB: NOT purely an over-hyped and hideously over-expensive music festival.

stoned townie dickhead: "I bin Glastonbury innit"

Normal person: "Really, is that shop 'The Truckle of Cheese' still in the high street?"

stoned townie dickhead: "Yoooo wot?, mobile phone, mugging, sattelite tv, and other urban bollocks...innit."

by Kynth April 29, 2008

41๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


An over commercialised, very expensive drug-fest with over hyped bands.

Ticket Office guy: "That'll be ยฃ2000 for a Glastonbury ticket please"

Glastonbury Dealer: "Hash, skunk, skunk and hash..."

Paul McCartney: "Hi everyone, I'm headlining"

Everybody in attendance: "Bollocks!"

by mooreeasyvibe April 8, 2005

33๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


Glastonbury is the closest city to the Pilton Festival Of Performing Arts, otherwise known as the Pilton Pop Festival and incorrecly known as the Glastonbury Festival.
Pilton is 15 miles away from Glastonbury.
Unfortunatley the once beautiful City of Glastonbry the ancient isle of Avalon is constantly overrun by wankers who after 3 days of very badly played music, hallucinogenic drugs, mud and muggings that they are never going to leave. As there is nothing but a few cottages and some frightened residents (and no social security office) so the tree hugging tosspots (or hedgers as know locally) then head out of the countryside into the city Glastonbury where they do nothing but tell everyone they they should get back to nature.While simultaniously trying to move 6 of their dickhead friends into your garden shed to set up a comune.
They then get a heroin problem and die.

"hey dude ive just been dropped off ,is this Glastonbury? wheres the festival? Peace.."
"Its 15 miles up the road you twat! so why dont you peace off and do your fire juggling somewhere else. And stop banging those god damn drums. Fuckin Rizla Executives!"

by Vitaloverdose April 9, 2006

18๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

Glastonbury Tan

The Glastonbury festival is a huge music festival taking place on a farm during the summer in the UK, it is notorious for getting rained on, and the whole festival ground becoming waterlogged and muddy.

So the Glastonbury tan is where the festival goers get brown all over due to being caked in mud.

my brother came home from the festival with a Glastonbury Tan

by junkothegreat June 30, 2009

Glastonbury Tailback

Where someone manages to go for days without pooing at a music festival to avoid the toilets and their dreadful conditions

I just went to the toilet to get rid of my Glastonbury tailback from the weekend.

by TAinsworth June 26, 2010

Glastonbury Shower

using moist towelettes as a replacement for running water. so-called due to its popularity at music festivals (particularly at Glastonbury due to the fact that it will inevitably rain causing everyone and everything to become caked in mud and sewage)
similar to the Glasgow shower except that the dirt is actually removed rather than covered up with deodorant

after a hard night filled with partying and substance abuse, followed by sleeping in a damp sweaty tent, a quick Glastonbury Shower provides a much-needed 'burst of freshness'

by D-Bizz December 12, 2006

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glastonbury, connecticut

A rich prissy concieted suburb from Hartford, CT so brimming full of puritan wealthy stuffy white folks (its worse than Greenwich). There are 2 people that are not white in the entire town. Everyone owns a nice brand spankin new car at age 15 (before they can drive-so they can break it in). Their high school is 6 times the normal size (just because it can be). They have 12 thousand sports teams (because everyone plays a sport or your nobody) and they all have swimming pools filled with fifties.

There are many snobby, rich white folk that reside in glastonbury, connecticut.

by leonne November 29, 2007

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