Source Code

go off

a light-hearted acknowledgement of another's contribution to a conversation.

You were correct again! (and then said with a wry smile or grin) One can go off people who are always correct :)

by ianetch September 10, 2008

37πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž

go off

when you're an eshay and you want to make fun of the weird kid in your class

eg "AyyE gO off Ishan"

by hibichh February 13, 2019

2πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

but go off

A sarcastic phrase used to mock someone when wrong / making a fool of one self.

β€œKanye is trash”
β€œHe’s got 21 Grammys , but go off sis.”

by Reallyreallyrad March 19, 2018

181πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Going Off

Refers to the act of being out of control, normally this is acheived with the aid of alcohol or some form of illicit substance. Going off is normally measured in comparison to how many pills it would take for Stuey to reach your state of Going offness.

Barnes: Woah dude you were going off like stuey on 5 million eccys.
Dave: I am cunted

by Chronz August 9, 2004

86πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

Go off

Something basic instagram girls say when they can't come up with counter arguments

Basic instagram girl: "No sis but go off I guess"

by Stopit. May 15, 2019

66πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

going off

As in 'going off the scale'. Means very good indeed.

Rob was going off on the dance floor.

That car goes off.

by inflateable June 26, 2004

66πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

going off

An Atmosphere that gets you excited.

That club was going off like mum's knickers on pay day cuz.

by captaindigi November 2, 2018