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Good Boyfriend Points

A way of measuring good deeds a boyfriend preforms for his boy/girlfriend. They usually come in handy when something like cheating/lying is done. Kind of like a "Get Out of Jail Free" card for relationships

Boyfriend: "Fuuuck, man!"
Boyfriend's friend: "What?"
Boyfriend: "I got wasted and cheated on Alyssa man... She's totally pissed!"
Boyfriend's friend: "Damn man; she caught you cheating? You're totally fucked."
Boyfriend: "Nah man all those Good Boyfriend Points might end up saving me..."

by IAmCool69 June 22, 2012

3πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Good Boy Points

Points are in which irrelevant under any other circumstance. Can usually be used to describe "Likes" on websites like Reddit, Instagram and Twitter.
It is a way to describe (Much like Brownie Points) to show something which has garnered a lot of appraisal but is irrecoverably invaluable to the actual discussion to the person using the phrase.
As well, it is more comically used in stories on 4chan whereas someone of lower social status describes a life of solitude with his parents or significant other who gives them "Good Boy Points".

DavidTheGnome32: I can't believe Israel bombed Syria, can we still call them both our friends? +10
StarrForceROKZ: They wouldn't of got bombed if they had Baby Yoda!!! +5999
Dare23@StarrForceROKZ: Good Boy Points only get you so far...

Mommy: You emptied all your pee bottles in the toilet! That's 50 Good Boy Points Anon!
Son: Yayyy!!!

Girlfriend: You took out the trash and did the dishes! 20 Good Boy points!

Boyfriend: Yay!!! More Switch time!!
Girlfriend: *Sigh* Perhaps you want to use them for sex?

Boyfriend: More switch! More switch!
Girlfriend: Fine... come along Jamal...
Jamal: Yuh.

by gondonka January 7, 2021

8πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

Good Boy Points

Points are in which irrelevant under any other circumstance. Can usually be used to describe "Likes" on websites like Reddit, Instagram and Twitter.
It is a way to describe (Much like Brownie Points) to show something which has garnered a lot of appraisal but is irrecoverably invaluable to the actual discussion to the person using the phrase.
As well, it is more comically used in stories on 4chan whereas someone of lower social status describes a life of solitude with his parents or significant other who gives them "Good Boy Points".

DavidTheGnome32: I can't believe Israel bombed Syria, can we still call them both our friends? +10
StarrForceROKZ: They wouldn't of got bombed if they had Baby Yoda!!! +5999
Dare23@StarrForceROKZ: Good Boy Points only get you so far...

Mommy: You emptied all your pee bottles in the toilet! That's 50 Good Boy Points Anon!
Son: Yayyy!!!

Girlfriend: You took out the trash and did the dishes! 20 Good Boy points!

Boyfriend: Yay!!! More Switch time!!
Girlfriend: *Sigh* Perhaps you want to use them for sex?

Boyfriend: More switch! More switch!
Girlfriend: Fine... come along Jamal...
Jamal: Yuh.

by gondonka January 7, 2021

3πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Good point

The opposite would beeeee.... Bad... What is the opposite of point? Nub? Like a pointed end and a nub end? Thesaurus says "whole" "personality" and "lot" for antonyms.... None of those seem right.

Iam "Good point about the compartmentalization though... That actually makes a lot of sense... Hmm... I can see how that might apply to me...."

Hym "I hate everyone.... And everything.... Why can some scientist mess with forces they don't understand and unleash some horror on the world. Like giant bugs. Shadow monsters..."

Iam "Sentient plants?"

Hym "Yes! Giant sentient sunflowers that drink blood and paralyze people with power."

Iam "Heh that's also a good idea I guess..."

by Hym Iam June 4, 2022

good point well made

Said to acknowledge someone else's explanation of something and thank them for it, with the added undertone of acknowledging that yeah now that you think about it, really that should have been obvious all along and you were being stupid for even asking the question in the first place.

An early (and possibly the first) appearance of the phrase, with this undertone, occurs in a joke in the 1992 episode "Holoship" of British sci-fi comedy TV series Red Dwarf, with the following exchange:

The Cat : Why don't we drop the defensive shields?

Kryten : A superlative suggestion, sir. With just two minor flaws. One, we don't have any defensive shields. And two, we don't have any defensive shields. Now I realise that technically speaking that's only one flaw but I thought that it was such a big one that it was worth mentioning twice.

The Cat : Good point, well made.

Alice: Are you coming round to my house tonight?

Bob: No, I'm away on holiday. I told you yesterday.

Alice: Good point well made.

by Xenocat104 October 31, 2023

Good point pencil tip

When somebody makes a valid point that you didn’t think of before you let them know they made a good point by saying β€œGood point pencil tip!”. Or you can shorten it with GPPT.

Jimmy: Man these noobs keep camping in call of duty
Lane: The map requires stealth, you can’t just run around like a chicken with its head cut off

by Lecrae116 August 31, 2020