Someone who loves looking at graphs and feeling superior from being able to plot average lines and uses it to try and dictate everyones lives.
That guy is a total graph whore
In journalism, the nut graph is the paragraph that expresses the main idea of the story or article, shortly after the lead.
You buried your nut graph in the middle of your story.
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A Book that held a reign of terror over a certain school…
“did you hear about Graphing for math?” “
Dont remind me of that age.”
When someone puts a term in a sentence that nobody understands but the person behaves as if it's so obvious that everybody understands and not understanding it is super unobvious and should make you feel stupid.
You don't know fractal graph?!
Polu totally fractal graphed that that guy!
Alice 's letters tended to include at least one paragraph about her lack of direction in life, but the angsty-graph in her last letter was practically overflowing with discontent.
A vine from many years ago, back when Vine was still alive and well.
Person 1 (singing): loOk aT thIs GrAph (stands awkwardly)
Person 2: why man. Just why. Vine is dead and you know that.
Person 1: shut up I love vine!
The most innovative calculator on the market. Prioritized my Mr. Asta and picked up by Gabrielle Zappia. Mr. asta has a cat named buster that he likes to smooch on zoom calls.
Lets plug this into desmos graphing calculator class.
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