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The guy or girl in the band that fu*ks all the groupies, he/she's been with so many groupies he/she's worth a discounted rate, coupon style.

Girl, don't mess with him, he's not gonna be serious, he's a groupon.

Dude, be careful with her, she's a groupon, make sure you wrap that up.

by sweetnola March 22, 2015

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

raging groupon

an obsessive desire to participate in the latest groupon deal

I woke up with a raging groupon this morn - inbox filled with so many exciting deals, what to do?? apple mini speakers? anti-stress facial? love massage neck pillow? ooh the flotation pool treatment looks good, but then so does a Indian head neck & shoulder, or a photoshoot I could justify, somehow. Hey anyone know what the regular price of non invasive ultrasound liposuction is? How do I know $240 is a good deal?

by Peter Greenwall November 7, 2011

37πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Groupon peen

Tristan Thompson's community dick. Always on special promotion.

Oh shut up, will you??? You ain’t care when Tristan cheated on you the first fifty-leven times. You ain’t care when he was sharing his Groupon peen with the world while you were pregnant with Two Truths and A Lieℒ️. Why do you care now?

You’re a bird. A whole pterodactyl.

-- Clarkisha Kent

by 10001110101... March 2, 2019

17πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Grouponing the numbers

Skewing the numbers to make them put your position in a better light knowing they don't represent the whole situation.

Guy 1: Why is your girl mad at you?
Guy 2: I told her I went out with the guys for a couple beers.
Guy1: Dude, you had a couple beers THEN a million shots. You were totally Grouponing the numbers there!

by The Rob Show July 14, 2011

groupon cute

someone you would give a try & not spend a lot of money or time on like a groupon deal.

he was groupon cute - i'd see him a couple of times.

we went out on a discount date since she was only groupon cute.

by racerxmas July 7, 2011

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Groupon couple

Couples in which both members are low-middle class whose relationship is sustained by multitude of special date night activities such as hot air balloon rides, kayaking and wine tasting tours, and $4.00 movie tickets, offered through a discount site. The couples would never pay for 80% of these activities at a full price.

1) There are so many groupon couples at this kayaking and wine tasting tour.

2) We're rich. We don't need to be a groupon couple.

3) I'm dating a business consultant. I'm so glad I'm not part of a groupon couple anymore.

4) Will you be a groupon couple with me?

by Cinna-money July 13, 2011

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groupon anxiety

the preoccupation and feeling of anxiousness and not being able to sleep knowing that a new Groupon will be released after 1am.

Must be remedied ASAP by checking groupon.com

The result of an addiction to groupons, which can't be escaped, even on a vacation to costa rica

(After having sex, 1:30 am) Girl: Come here! Let's go to sleep!

Guy: Hold on! I have to to check to see what today's groupon is, I was thinking about it the entire time I was fucking you

Girl: Ugh! Groupon anxiety again?! I'm gonna yell.

by twinklover April 27, 2010

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